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Colorblind (Moonlight) Page 10

  “If you’s not wantin’ anythin’ else, I’s gon’ go now,” she said softly, shuffling back even as her eyes remained downcast. It was then that he sensed something else. Fear. She was terrified of him, of Étienne. It was not a fear of them, per se, but a fear of men.

  Armand immediately put distance between them. “Thanks. We don’ need nothin’ more.”

  She nodded hastily and left.

  As Armand handed the tray to Étienne, his expression was thoughtful. He remained standing for long moments before Étienne said, his voice low and serious, “If we leave now, we can still catch Pleasant before he gets onto any main roads.”

  Armand appeared to consider it before he shook his head, and dropped back onto the hay. “Tomorrow. He’ll come back tomorrow.”


  Penny was unusually quiet as she lay draped against Leon’s naked body. She’d even thrown up shields to prevent him from entering her mind and seeing what thoughts plagued her.

  From the moment she’d arrived in his bedchambers, he’d sensed something was wrong, but before he could ask, she’d thrown herself into his arms, and he’d succumbed to both of their needs. Sated, he could now see truly that something was bothering his mate.

  “What troubles you, ma louve?” he murmured softly, shifting his body to nuzzle at her neck.

  A little sigh escaped her before she replied, “It is nothing.”

  “If it is nothing, why have you blocked me from your thoughts?” he countered easily, pushing onto his elbows so he could look down at her face.

  Penny stared at him for long moments before a little smile curved her lips and she shook her head. “It’s silly.”

  “It won’t be silly to me if it’s bothering you,” he replied softly.

  Her gaze never left his and he knew she contemplated whether she should tell him. Leon waited patiently, hoping she would trust him enough to share whatever was on her mind.

  “I—you and I can never be legally married,” she said with a smile that did not reach her eyes. She would rather do anything but smile at this moment. He sensed the sadness that came with that statement.

  “You are my mate, Penny—”

  “Yes, I know, Leon,” she said, a bit sharper than she’d intended. Upset with herself for growing irate at him, she pushed at his chest and sat up, pulling the thin sheets across her bare breasts. “I know I’m your mate, and the bond we share is more powerful than the title of husband or wife, but I would still like the option.”

  When he said nothing, she stood and moved over to the window, looking out at the full moon that seemed to hover close.

  She felt him at her back not moments later, and then his hands were linking together across her flat belly.

  “You did not allow me to finish, ma louve,” he chastised softly, easing it with a light kiss behind her ear. “I was saying that you’re my mate, and although that bond is stronger than any contract drawn up on paper, the contract is necessary in the event that something happens to me.”

  She tried to turn, but his hands kept her still. “Although such a contract cannot be legalized in this country, my country has less prejudice in its laws. So, you are wrong, ma louve. You and I can be legally married. It will simply have to be in another country.”

  He let her turn to face this time. Dark brown eyes searched his and then she asked softly, “Your country has no laws against such marriages, between whites and negroes?”

  Leon kissed her forehead. “My country has laws against everything.” He smiled when she frowned. “But many of them are not upheld and they are certainly not upheld in our communities.”

  She nodded and turned back to the moon facing them. Dropping the shields she’d put up around her thoughts, she asked, Do you ever think there will be a time when couples like you and I can legally get married in this country?

  He did not reply for long moments before he finally said, “I think so, ma louve. The human race has proved cruel beyond measure. I will give them the benefit of the doubt when it comes to stupidity.”

  She chuckled and turned back to him.

  “You really don’t consider yourself even a bit human, do you?”

  “No. I—we—are not human, Penny. We can take human shape and we can take the shape of a wolf, but we are a species separate from both.”

  “A beautiful species,” she murmured, her eyes telling him she referred directly to him.

  “You’ve only met three members of our species,” he reminded teasingly.

  Pushing onto her toes, she kissed him. As he moved back with her, toward the bed, she pulled her lips away enough to say, “You are beautiful, Leon.”

  She’d only just gotten the sentence out when she was under him. Her back came in contact with the soft mattress and sheets moments before his hard chest pressed to her breasts. She moaned, but the sound was caught between his lips.

  His entry was harsh. There was no gentle prodding, no adjusting. He pushed in until he could go no farther, dragging a satisfied growl from her even as her nails scoured his side. Releasing her lips, he licked a trail down her neck, moving over to her breasts, which were pushed up invitingly for him. His canines grazed her nipples as his lower body continued its steady, quick thrusting. She slid her hands into his hair, caressing his scalp and driving him wilder than he already was. As his base grew swollen, he lifted his head briefly, wanting to see her face as she took all of him.

  Penny’s eyes were opened, yellow and focused on him. Her teeth gripped her lower lip, canines digging into the soft flesh. He kissed her, tasting her coopery-sweet blood, before lifting his head again and pushing back into her body.

  Her mouth opened on a small “O” as his base began to slip in, but she arched down, wanting it all.

  Leon buried his face in her neck, sucking at her spot until he felt her release, with his own fast approaching. Unable to stop himself, he found her shoulder and bit into it, holding her in place as he shot his seed into her body.

  It was minutes later, when their breathing had returned to normal, that Leon said, “You are the beautiful one, ma louve.”

  She did not reply. Instead, she tightened her arms around him and kissed his chest, right above his steadily beating heart.

  Chapter Eight

  “I want her on the list.”

  Leon blinked once, twice, before asking his brother to repeat himself. It was early morning and he’d been in the process of tying up a few loose ends concerning the sale of his slaves to Armand, when his brother had entered his office and demanded that “she” be put on a list. It had taken Leon seconds to figure out which list his brother referred to but he was still baffled as to whom Armand wanted on the list, and why.

  “The slave with the gray eyes and the reddish-brown hair. She works in the house,” Armand continued, looking tense and very close to releasing control to his wolf. “I want her on the list.”

  “Julia?” Leon asked curiously, watching his brother guardedly. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen Armand so…flustered. He had a vague memory of Étienne stealing a carved wooden wolf their father had made for Armand, which had led to Armand chasing Étienne around, but that was ages ago, when they were pubescent.

  “I don’t know her name. I can point her out to you if there is need.”

  Nodding, Leon continued to watch his brother for long moments before he asked, “Is there a reason that you want her on this list?”

  Green eyes narrowing, Armand replied tightly, “I want her on that list, Leon. Add her as an extra. Rewrite the letter of sale and I will sign for eleven, instead of ten, slaves.”

  “I don’t understand why—”

  The knock on the door interrupted his sentence. Leon called for the person to enter. It was either Jolie or Julia with his breakfast. This had become ritual so he knew to expect it. It was Julia. Once he’d ascertained that, he turned his attention to his brother, observing Armand with a keen, thoughtful eye.

  While he remained tense, Armand�
��s eyes followed Julia as she made her way to his desk. From where he stood near the curtains, Leon knew Julia had yet to observe his brother.

  She came forward timidly, as she usually did, her gaze on the tray. Stopping before his desk, she asked in a soft, unsure voice, “Where is you wantin’ me to put this, Massa?”

  “Right there is fine, Julia.” Leon returned his attention to his brother. Armand still watched her, observing her in a way that seemed both protective and curious.

  “Is you wantin’ anythin’ else, Massa?” Julia asked, nervously clasping her hands together over her belly.

  Leon replied in the negative, and thanked her for his breakfast.

  She nodded quickly and turned, intent on beating a hasty retreat. But then, she froze. Her body tensed up and Leon knew she’d spotted his brother.

  Armand dipped his head in her direction, and she fled, barely managing to keep her step to a quick walk instead of a run. When the door closed behind her, Leon leaned back in his chair and looked up at his brother, who’d stepped forward and was looking at him as if daring Leon to say something.

  Finally, Leon spoke, “I’ll change the letter to include Julia’s name and the price you will be charged for her.”

  Some of the tension left Armand’s body and he nodded. He turned and idly ran a finger along one of Leon’s books.

  “You may want to start looking for a new overseer.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Pleasant is going to have an unfortunate accident before this day is out.”

  Leon shook his head once. “No. He will not.”

  He’d kept Pleasant this long to ensure there were no suspicions about the kind of plantation he ran, and because he wanted the pleasure of killing the bastard. He had not forgotten that Pleasant was the one who’d beat his mate, numerous times.

  “Who will stop me?”

  It was a growl. Leon blinked before pushing to his feet. What in the name of Luna had come into his brother? It was obvious Armand cared about Julia, as he cared about many of the slaves. But this reaction…over a human?

  “Why? Why are you after Pleasant’s blood?” He narrowed his eyes on his brother.

  “Because men like Pleasant should be rounded up and forced to die violent deaths.”

  Leon accepted that. The man would die violently. He’d make sure of it by killing him.

  “And why are you so intent on killing him?” Leon snapped, feeling anger rear its head as Armand challenged his right to the kill.

  “Because he offended me,” Armand replied, his tone the same.

  “Whatever offense he has committed against you, he has committed greater against me and mine,” Leon countered dangerously.

  “No!” Armand closed the distance between them easily, eyes shifting to yellow as he faced his brother. “He’s my kill, Leon and if you try to take that from me—”

  “What offense has he committed against you that you would fight your own brother?”

  “He hurt her, damn you!” Armand snapped. He ran a hand over his face and closed his eyes.

  Leon didn’t need to ask who “her” was, he knew. With that knowledge came the understanding of why his brother was claiming a greater offense. Pleasant had raped Julia. He made no pretense of not knowing that. While he’d been able to put a stop to it once, there had been almost an entire week when Julia and Luna knew who else had been at Pleasant’s mercy. And now Armand seemed to have a keen, irrational interest in the slave, almost similar to the one Leon had for Penny.

  The big difference in their situations was that while Penny was like them, a werewolf, Julia was not. Fragility clung to her; humanity. And therein lay the danger.

  “She’s human, Armand,” Leon murmured softly, stepping away as his brother continued to seethe.

  “I know that,” Armand replied, his eyes growing shuttered.

  Humans were the worst mates for werewolves. The few human females he’d heard of who’d taken were mates had either died from childbirth or from the sexual needs of their lovers. Julia had suffered much in her short lifetime, possibly from the moment she knew what suffering was, or even before. He would not add another type of suffering to what remained of it. He would ensure that she made it north, to Canada, would see to it that she, like the rest of the former slaves, were set up with money and a source of income, and then he would leave. She would marry, have children, learn to laugh again, but it wouldn’t be with him. It would be with someone of her species—a human male.

  He growled at the though and his fists clenched, claws protruding and digging into his palm. “I know that well.”


  “Look at ’er, walkin’ ’round here like she somethin’ just ’cause she Massa’s whore!”

  Jolie’s outburst was one Julia had heard time and time again, and one she usually ignored. Today, however, was different. Her sister despised Penny, had despised Penny for years because Adam had wanted Penny. That hatred had turned to something more with Penny coming into the house three times, and sometimes more, every week. Field slaves were supposed to stay in the fields, but the new master didn’t seem to care about that.

  “Jus’ leave ’er be, Jolie!” she snapped, surprising both herself and her sister with her angry emotions.

  She heard her sister gasp, and closed her eyes, drawing in a deep breath as she did so. Her hands trembled as she pushed at the handle of the pipe to release the water that would soak the dirty plates and make it easier for her to wash them. She wasn’t upset with her sister. Not really. Jolie was selfish, and a bit conniving at times, but she’d been raised that way. Pampered by Adam Thorn, as if she wasn’t really a slave.

  “I ain’t done nothin’ to you!” Jolie snapped back, angry tears appearing in her eyes.

  “I know.” Sighing, Julia shook her head. The cool water against her hand seemed to relieve some of the edge she’d been feeling since last night, since him. “I ain’t mean to yell at you. I just—tired.” It wasn’t a lie. She was tired. It was just after midday and already she’d done countless chores. She still had to help with the cooking, and the cleaning of the upstairs rooms—downstairs had been done already.

  “I tired too!” Jolie huffed, grabbing the basket of clothes she’d picked up from the lines recently. “But I ain’t yellin’ at you.”

  “Sorry,” Julia said softly, but Jolie ignored her and left. Julia knew she would come back. They’d had worse arguments than this, and somehow always found their way back to each other. It was probably because they were all the other had.

  With Jolie gone, she was left alone with her thoughts. She never wanted to be left alone with them. They were usually too depressing, too sad. But today, another thought occupied her mind.

  That man, the dark-haired one with the kind, green eyes. Last night, she’d gone to the men in fear, expecting the worst and praying for the best. It was supposed to have been Jolie’s task, but Julia had taken it from her sister upon seeing the fear in her eyes. While Jolie looked the part of a seductress, and had tried quite relentlessly to needle her way in to the new Master’s bed, her sister was an innocent. Perhaps she wasn’t as innocent as could be. Adam Thorn had enjoyed her company, but Julia knew from Jolie’s frustration that he’d never breached her, and hadn’t allowed anyone to touch her there, either. He’d had no such qualms about Julia.

  A shudder racked her body as images she’d long buried tried to claw to the forefront of her mind. With great determination, she pushed them away. It was no use thinking of them now when the nightmares would only come later. She forced her thoughts back to the man. He was probably a cattle-hand or a slaver. Jolie had said that they’d come to speak with the Master. Probably about work.

  She wondered if he’d be there much longer. And then she dismissed such a thought. Even if he was, it wouldn’t matter to her. He was a white man, and the only thing they’d ever done to her was cause her pain. Regardless of his handsome looks, and the glimpse of kindness she’d seen in those eyes, if he stayed, h
e would hurt her.

  “Julia!” She blinked and looked up to see Clarisse approaching. Julia smiled. When their own mother had been sold, Clarisse had stepped in to raise Julia and Jolie as her own.

  The older woman looked around and gave her a kind smile.

  “You still washin’ dishes, Jules?” she asked easily, taking a seat on one of the chairs. She grunted as her knee cracked. “We got to start preparin’ lunch soon. Got to feed two mo’ mouths.”

  “I gon’ be done soon,” Julia replied, returning to the task at hand. Curiosity got the better of her however, and she asked, “Who the two mo’ mouths we feedin’?”

  “’Em two white boys who come over to work in ‘em fields,” Clarisse replied. “Massa says we’s to make ’em two bowls of whatever we’s makin’ him.”

  “Oh.” It wasn’t a strange request. They also prepared food for Pleasant and Hollis. But did this mean the men would be staying? Julia wondered. Half of her was terrified that it did; the other half, she didn’t understand.


  Penny sat next to Old Ma to help with the sharing of the food. The slaves had been dismissed for lunch, and those who weren’t already eating were lined up at their various quarters.

  Ray, one of the men who shared the quarters next to hers, but who claimed Old Ma’s food was the best of them all and was always in their line, had approached for his bowl of chicken stew and bread. He was around Penny’s age, and seemed to always find a smile, even on the bleakest of days. He was also handsome, and had his pick of women. His complexion was an even brown reminiscent of almond, his eyes a rich coffee color. Ray was tall, too. Not as tall as her Leon—a smile curved her lips as she thought of him—but he would probably meet his shoulders. Because he did field work all day, he was built solidly, muscles outlined under the dirtied clothing he wore.