The Masseuse Read online

Page 11

  Leaning down, he kissed her softly, and she instantly lost some of her tension.

  “I made breakfast,” he murmured.

  “With bacon?”

  Ramsey chuckled. “Lots of bacon.”

  And that was why he loved this woman. No matter how angry he was, Jezebel could bring him calm...peace. He hadn’t had that before her. He’d usually have to bring himself down, and he’d started suppressing his emotions because of it.

  “I’m sorry if I interrupted your conversation with your brother,” she said when he pulled away.

  “You didn’t intrude on anything.” He gave her a reassuring smile. “Bastian is...special.”

  Jezebel snorted. “No he’s not.”

  “He is.” He grinned and took a seat on the bed next to her.

  She stared at him long and hard, and he couldn’t help but get lost in her gorgeous doe-like eyes. They were a strange brown, not light enough to be obvious, but if you stared at them long enough, you realized they were He couldn’t explain it. “Are you twins?”

  He smirked and grabbed a strip of bacon. “Bastian wishes he was this handsome.”

  As she chuckled, he lifted it to her lips. Jezebel took it eagerly and as she chewed, he explained, “Bastian’s my younger brother by three years.”

  “Oh.” She grabbed a strip of bacon. Always the bacon, he thought in amusement. “Do you have other siblings?”

  “No, it’s just us.”

  Jezebel lifted the strip to his lips, which pleasantly surprised him. As he chewed, she reached for a fork, and lifted some of the eggs to her mouth.

  “Are you close?”

  “Very.” They weren’t currently, but in the grand scheme of things, they had to be.

  She nodded. “Is he going to tell the rest of your family about me?”

  “Possibly,” Ramsey answered, though if his brother knew what was good for him, he’d keep his mouth shut. Jezebel sighed, and looked away. He instantly caught her chin. “I love you, Jezebel, and nothing and no one’s going to change that.”

  She remained silent for long moments, but then she asked softly, as if unsure whether she should even be asking it, “What about your parents?”

  He caught her cheek, and leaned forward. “You can ask me anything, Jez. Anything.” He brushed her lips lightly before saying, “My mother lives in South Korea. My Dad died when I was ten.”

  “I’m so sorry.”

  He nodded. So was he. He only had a few memories of the man, but they were all good. Ramsey wished he had more, but his grandfather had more than made up for the hole his father had left.

  “What about your Dad?” he asked after long moments of silence. Jezebel always talked about her mother and her sister, but he’d never heard of a father.

  She shrugged. “Never met him.”

  He frowned. “Why not?”

  “Don’t know who he is.” Although she smiled, he read the pain there quite easily. He’d had months to learn her and Ramsey knew when Jezebel was truly smiling and when she was putting on a show.


  “Yeah...” She sighed. “Mom was a hippie. She was on that carpe diem movement, and well...then I came along.”

  “I’m sorry,” he murmured.

  Jezebel looked surprised. “For what?”

  “That you didn’t know your father.”

  “It’s fine—I’m okay.”

  “It’s not fine,” he corrected, sliding his hand into her hair. “But you are okay.”

  She swallowed and said, “We should eat before it gets cold.”

  Flipping on the TV and turning it down low, he removed his robe, got under the covers and braced against the headboard, next to her.

  “You said your mother’s in South Korea?”

  He nodded.

  “Which family are you talking about then?”

  “What?” He turned to find her staring at him with unreadable eyes.

  “You said your family is specific...but I only know about your Mom and brother.”


  Ramsey nodded. “I have aunts, uncles, cousins over here.”

  “Oh.” She nodded. “And they’re the ones who’re specific?”

  He nodded, wondering if he should add again that that didn’t influence his feelings for her. She looked back to the TV and continued eating, and he decided to let it be.

  Ramsey was in the midst of bringing a piece of toast to his lips when her soft fingers caressed his arm. He stiffened slightly, but forced himself to relax.

  “It’s beautiful.” The “it” to which she referred was the tattoo on his upper right arm where the two scaled dragons, curled around each other and squaring off.

  “Thank you.”

  “When did you get it?”

  “When I was eighteen.”

  “Any reason?”

  He smiled. “It was my birthday. I wanted something special to mark it.”

  She nodded. “Does it mean anything?”

  “Yes. To me, dragons mean different things: courage, strength, wisdom, protection...”

  “Why’d you get two?” She continued to stroke his tattoo and Ramsey almost purred at her ministrations.

  “I was eighteen,” he murmured nonchalantly. “I thought it was cool.”

  She stared at his arm for long moments before she smirked. “It is pretty cool.”

  Ramsey chuckled, and before long, she went back to eating her breakfast, sighing happily as she worked through the bacon and eggs.

  “What are we doing today?” she asked after they’d finished most of the breakfast.

  “What do you want to do?” That was another thing about their relationship. He didn’t care where they went as long as he was next to her. Jezebel could make anything fun.

  “Relax.” She sighed tiredly against him and he removed the tray. Jezebel snatched the two remaining strips of bacon after giving him a look that clearly said he was nuts to think she was finished with them. Shaking his head, he placed the tray onto the end table and slid down to the pillows. She snuggled against his chest, chewing on the meat. “I want to be lazy today.”

  “Okay.” He grabbed the remote and began flipping through the channels of the large wall-attached TV. “What do you want to watch?”

  Because of Jezebel, he’d watched a few episodes of life-coach shows on OWN, and even a few Lifetime movies, which thankfully, he hadn’t finished because he’d managed to distract her.

  She shrugged. “Something funny.”


  “Don’t care,” she murmured sleepily.

  He found what looked like children’s cartoons, and lowered the volume further. “What about this?”

  Jezebel barely looked at the TV. “That’s fine.”

  Ramsey shook his head, knowing she’d be out in a few seconds, maybe a minute. He looked down at her, watching her fight sleep quite unsuccessfully, before succumbing. Ramsey was about to turn the TV off when he looked up to find his door ajar. He caught sight of Bastian staring through the slight opening before his brother moved away.

  If not for the fact that Jezebel was in his arms, he would have gone after him for disobeying not one, but two orders. With a frown, he pulled Jezebel further into his warmth. His brother was getting out of control. The drinking was making him reckless and stupid. He’d have to have a serious talk with him...and soon.


  It had been a week since his weekend with Jezebel, and they were doing fine.

  Ramsey had worried that she’d give him the weekend and decide she didn’t want to deal with him or his family issues, but she hadn’t. When he’d dropped her off and kissed her goodbye, she’d smiled and told him she’d be busy Monday and Tuesday, so they’d only be able to do dinner from Wednesday. This was their Sunday ritual and he’d kissed her once more when she fell so effortlessly into it.

  His phone rang. It was Erika. “Yes?”

  “Mr. Stone, there’s a Mr. Sebasti—Bastian Stone here to
see you.”

  Ramsey frowned. Well, this was unexpected. “Send him in.” Since last weekend, Bastian had avoided his calls and demands to show up to his place.

  His brother entered and looking contrite. “Before you say anything...I’m sorry. I was drunk, I acted like an idiot. I’m sorry.”

  Ramsey might have forgiven him had it just been one or two instances of drunken behavior. This had happened before, numerous times.

  “Sit down.”

  He took a seat in one of the leather chairs facing Ramsey’s desk.

  “How’s Sarah?”

  Bastian’s mouth thinned but he nodded. “Okay.”

  “And Lily?”

  His brother smiled, then frowned a bit. “She’s been wearing those shiny, lipstick things you gave her. I don’t like it.”

  Ramsey felt similar to his brother but he remembered how Lily’s eyes lit up upon seeing her starter make-up set and the tight hug she’d given him when he told her she could try them on and show him.

  “She’s going to be a teenager soon...” He let that sink in before asking, “Other than that, she’s fine?”


  “Good.” Ramsey delved directly into the issue at hand. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

  Bastian nodded.

  “You missed a family meeting.” He’d give everyone almost two days notice and the only one missing had been Bastian.


  “I was embarrassed.”

  Ramsey stared at Bastian for long seconds before he smiled coldly. “You didn’t want to get your ass kicked.”

  His brother smirked. “That too.”

  “Behave like that again and you’ll be in the hospital for a few days…if you’re lucky.”

  Bastian sobered and nodded once.

  Relaxing slightly, Ramsey asked, “Did you tell anyone about Jezebel?”

  “Not really.”

  He blinked. What the hell did that mean? “Not really?”

  “Sarah asked if you were dating anyone. I might have told her you were.”

  “Did you tell her who or give her a description?”


  “Did you tell Sarah anything else about her?”


  “Good. Keep it to yourself.”

  “You’re serious about her?” Bastian sounded flabbergasted.

  “We’re doing what adults do.” Ramsey didn’t feel comfortable sharing this part of his life with Sebastian. This was his weakness, and until he knew for certain where his brother stood, he wouldn’t give him the tool to bring him down.

  Bastian stared at him long and hard before. “Does she know about—”

  “No.” And she wouldn’t.

  “How’s that going to work?”

  “It works all the time.”

  Bastian nodded. “Was that it?”

  “Someone saw you talking to one of the Lees yesterday.”

  “What?” Bastian instantly grew angry. “You had me followed?”

  “Yes. You were acting irrationally and I can’t have irrational in this family.” He glared at his brother. “What did you discuss with Lee WoonHa?”

  “Nothing.” He shook his head. “We ran into each other at the gym. He asked what I was benching.”

  When Ramsey only stared at him, Bastian shrugged. “That’s what happened. I’d never seek out a Lee for a meeting.”

  “I didn’t say you sought him out.”

  “And if he approached me about it, I wouldn’t go either. I’m not stupid, Ram!”

  Ramsey smirked.

  “Seriously? What the fuck did I ever do to—”

  “Lower your voice.” His office was pretty soundproof, but he wouldn’t tolerate being yelled at by his brother.

  “I’ve been nothing but loyal to this family, to you, and this is the thanks I get.”

  His brother had been getting out of hand lately. In addition to last what happened last weekend, he’d had other ‘arguments’ with his brother that made him question Bastian’s respect for his authority.

  “If I find out that you’re conspiring against me, Bastian, I’ll forget that we share a mother and a father.” He smiled easily. Bastian shook his head. “You know I will.”

  “This is the second time you’ve threatened me in a month.” When Ramsey only lifted a brow, he continued, “I’m not conspiring against you. You’re being paranoid again. Like always.”

  “It’s kept me alive, hasn’t it?”

  His brother sighed. “Is that all?”

  “Yes.” As he stood and walked for the door, Ramsey called, “Tell Sarah and Lily I said hello.”

  “Sure,” Bastian muttered. When he closed the door behind him, Ramsey leaned back in his chair and looked at the clock on the wall. It was just after 1 p.m. on a Tuesday. Picking up the phone, he dialed a number he knew by heart.

  “Hey,” she answered, sounding a bit out of breath.

  He smirked. “Are you on your way?”

  “Um...yes. On my way.”

  “Are you running late?” They had a lunch date, and reservations for 1:15 at a new Thai restaurant that had opened a few blocks from his job. He’d heard good things about it.

  “Ramsey, I’m so sorry. One of my clients...was late—and he turned my entire schedule on its head.”

  “It’s okay. When will you be here?”

  “Fifteen minutes. I’m getting in my car now.” He’d call ahead and push the reservations back fifteen—no he’d just settle for a two o’clock if they had an open table for that time.

  “I’ll see you in fifteen minutes then.”


  “And Jezebel?” He purposely made his voice low and husky.

  “Yes?” Ramsey could hear the smile in her voice.

  “You’ll have to make it up to me.”

  She moaned into the phone. “I had every intention of making it up to you...”

  “Good. See you in fifteen.”

  Chapter 10

  “Miss me?”

  Jezebel smiled, holding her work-phone to her ear as she sat back in a comfortable swivel chair and spun it to face her ceiling window. The New York skyline stared back at her. “No.”

  “Liar.” He was right of course. She missed him more than she cared to admit. Ramsey had been travelling for close to two weeks, and each day had been...difficult. He’d had a few international conferences, and meetings with the managers of his spas. He’d called from London, China, Japan, Singapore, Thailand...and a few other countries she was forgetting. Without him around, Jezebel realized just how close she’d gotten to him in the past months. It wasn’t like they were attached at the hip, was damn close.

  “If you already know the answer, why ask the question?”

  He chuckled. “I wanted to see what you’d say. Sometimes, you surprise me.”

  “Hmm.” She smiled. “Where are you now?”

  “South Korea.”

  She nodded. He’d been there for the past days. “Having fun?”

  “I’d have more if you were here.”

  She silently agreed. They’d have lots of fun. In fact, they’d have so much fun she was sure she’d be sore for it. Not only did she miss him, she missed him. When one went from self-imposed celibacy to having a partner who was as skilled as Ramsey...and then to forced celibacy because one’s man was in a different’s body rebelled. Phone-sex helped, but after the first couple of times, it just frustrated her. Yes, her body was eased for the span of seconds, but then the fire began again, and he wasn’t there to put it out. The same thing went for the string of “massagers” that had been arriving at her home lately. Each time a discrete brown box waiting at the front door, Jezebel knew it was from Ramsey and contained some type of vibrator. He’d never purchased a dildo because according to him, “the only cock allowed anywhere near her body was her phal,” but she now had an assortment of bullets.

  “What time does your plane get in tomorrow?” That was what she re
ally wanted to know. Ramsey had been scheduled to arrive days ago, but he’d had to change his flight because something came up. She’d been disappointed but what could she do? They were professionals after all. This past week, she’d gotten a lot of work done. She’d been staying late most nights, tying up things so she could be free when he arrived, and have a three-day weekend with him. She needed it, and from the conversations they’d had, she suspected he needed it too.


  “Ramsey!” Her frustration was out of her mouth before she could contain it. She really had no business getting frustrated with him. He was working after all and she wasn’t his wife. “You changed it again.”

  “Yes. I’ll make it up to—”

  “It’s fine!” She didn’t mean to snap, but it came out that way.

  “I’m sorry, baby. I’d leave tomorrow if I could, but something came up. I have to be here to handle it.” He sighed. “Jez?”

  She grunted.


  “Ramsey, its fine. I understand.”

  He didn’t speak for long moments, but she heard his calm breaths through the phone. “I’ll make it up to you.”

  “You don’t have to.”

  “I want to.” He paused and she heard voices in the background, to which he replied in a foreign language. “I have to go, but I’ll call you tomorrow. By then, I should have my ticket booked.”

  Jezebel nodded. “Okay.”

  “Don’t miss me too much,” he teased softly.

  “I should be telling you that.”

  “It would be pointless since that’s impossible.” She heard the smile in his voice.

  Shaking her head, she smiled. “You always know what to say, don’t you?”

  “It’s easy. Just be honest.”

  “Goodbye, Ramsey.”

  He laughed. “I’ll call you tomorrow, baby.”

  When he hung up, she turned her chair, replaced the phone on the hook, and sighed. God, she missed him. With each day, she felt more and more...depressed, which was unlike her. And now, he’d be gone for another couple of days, maybe weeks. She frowned at that. He’d already been gone for two, when it should have been one. More weeks would be unacceptable.

  Jezebel halted that train of thought, shook her head, and released a deep breath. She had no business thinking that way. As she looked back to her computer, she couldn’t help but think that if Ramsey Stone knew what was good for him, he’d manage to see her in the next couple of days.