The Dragon (G.O.N.Y. - Double Dragon) Page 25
“Bastian was stupid.” She rolled her eyes and turned with Jezebel. “I used him and now he’s become expendable. Stop stalling, Ramsey. My trigger finger is becoming very anxious. Get me that car.”
Knowing he’d have to at least pretend to give into her wishes, Ramsey slowly walked to the door and opened it. Four men stood outside, awaiting his orders. “Get a car ready for the airport.”
Confusion stared back at him. “Now!”
“What type of car?” Hannah’s voice drew his attention. Standing next to the door with hard, angry eyes and a cool expression, his mother had clearly been updated on what was going on.
“Black sedan, tinted windows. Get it here now.”
One of the men moved off and Hannah gave him a slight nod. He closed the door before turning back to Sarah. “Now what?”
She seemed at ease with her smile. “Now we wait for the car.”
If she got into that car with Sarah, she was dead. Jezebel knew it. She could see that Ramsey and Vince knew it too, but there was nothing else they could do while the crazy, murdering bitch held a gun to Jezebel’s head.
“Sarah,” Ramsey began again. Jezebel’s heart clenched at his tortured expression. She made up her mind then. She didn’t have a choice. If anyone was going to save her, save her baby, it would have to be her. “I promise that if you let her go―”
“You won’t kill me?” Sarah tugged on her hair and Jezebel whelped. She gripped the small syringe tighter. When Sarah had dragged her around the bed to make the phone call, Jezebel had caught sight of the fallen syringe. She feigned tripping over her feet to grab it, and grab it she had. She just had to choose the most opportune time to use it, a time when Sarah’s reflexes wouldn’t lead to her being shot in the head. “If I let her go, you swear on her life or your unborn child’s life that you’ll let me go?”
“I swear.” His response was instant.
“Lily meant so little to you?” Sarah snarled. “You’d toss her vengeance away for your whore and her brat?”
Despite the tightening of his face, Ramsey’s voice remained low and calm. “Let her go and you have my word that I’ll let you walk out of here.”
Sarah lifted the gun away from her head. “Hm, let me think about that. The answer is―
Jezebel spun away and stared at Sarah. She’d taken the opening. The compressed syringe now stuck out from Sarah’s midsection. At the moment, Sarah lifted her head and smirked. For the second time that day, Jezebel stared into the nozzle of a gun. This time, she said a quick prayer.
“No!” Ramsey sounded distant above the blood rush to her head.
She could hear her heart, thundering loudly, angrily; she even thought she heard her baby’s heart.
The loud blast made her ears ring and sent her to the floor. Jezebel groaned as a searing pain erupted in her head. Reaching a hand to the burn, she stilled at the wetness before bringing it in front of her face. Red. Wet. Redness. Blood. She’d been shot. She’d been shot in the head! Her vision grew blurred.
“Jezebel!” Ramsey was suddenly over her, touching her face, her temple. She winced as her head began to throb. “Call the ambulance…fuck! She’s fading…baby…hold on…call the fucking ambulance! Jez…Jezebel!”
It took less than ten minutes for the room to empty out, but Bastian remained, loaded gun in hand as he stood over the dead body of his wife. He’d followed Ramsey and Vince to stick up for Sarah, to tell them it had to be a mistake, that someone else must have hacked his laptop and tried to frame him. Sarah was innocent. She didn’t deserve their accusations, didn’t deserve anything she’d experienced after entering their family.
But when he’d arrived at Jezebel’s door, men had been there, guns drawn and waiting, and the door had been locked. Despite his insistence that he get into the room, he’d been turned away. Knowing the situation was likely worse than he’d anticipated, he’d run to his room for the gun Vince had given him for their meeting with Chang. From there, he’d made his way to the servant’s entrance.
Ramsey had placed Jezebel in the only guestroom with a working servant’s entrance. The servant’s staircase had been closed off and renovated years ago, and most entrances removed, but Bastian had studied the architecture of the house when he was younger, and he’d always found the hidden entrance interesting.
He’d moved down the hallway, to the door that led to the closed off staircase. Opening it hadn’t been easy but eventually, under his determination, it had creaked open. The floorboards held him until he could pull open the entrance in Jezebel’s closet.
He’d just taken a few steps into the closet when Sarah’s words rushed over him.
“Weak…stupid…easily manipulated…” was what she’d called him. Sarah had even admitted to murdering Lily because she was his. Bastian felt numb. There was no other way to describe it. He wasn’t angry, sad, or even hurt. He just felt as if he was no longer. He didn’t exist; his emotions didn’t exist. Numb. Cold. Dead.
He blinked, once, twice.
Sarah’s lifeless eyes still stared up at him. In the center of her forehead was the bullet-hole he’d put there.
Chapter 12
“Truth is always unfolding. It's not an absolute.”
―Alan Arkinmpre
Jezebel’s eyes fluttered open and she squinted at the brightness.
She felt groggy, tired, and weak. Where was she? She tried to lift her hands but her arms were too heavy. Her entire body felt weighed down and stiff as if some force was keeping her there.
“Ramsey?” she croaked, calling the first name that came to mind.
His face was suddenly above hers. “Jez?” He smiled, but it seemed strained. “You’re awake.”
She swallowed. Her throat felt raw. “How long have I been sleeping?”
“Four hours…maybe five.” He smiled again. “How do you feel?”
She tried to shake her head and groaned. He looked concerned. “Where am I?”
“You’re in the hospital, baby.”
The hospital? She tried to remember. “Why?” Jezebel licked her dry lips. “The baby?”
“No.” This time his smile was genuine. Fingers stroked wisps of hair away from her face before his hand flattened out just above her forehead. “The baby’s fine.”
“Then why― " She began to cough. His hand slid under her neck and he placed a cup to her lips. The water was heaven, just the right temperature and so soothing for her throat. As she nodded, he removed the cup and gently lowered her to the bed. “Thanks.”
“What’s the last thing you remember?”
She closed her eyes and thought about it. She’d been talking to Sarah about Lily. Opening her eyes, she looked around.
“Sarah.” She sighed tiredly. “Where is she?”
“At home.”
“Sleep.” His lips brushed her forehead. “We’ll talk later.”
She was only glad to follow that order.
This time Kwan arrived directly at his gates, two black SUVs trailing his. Ramsey knew they were filled with armed men. Kwan Min-Ho had come to take his daughter home and he wasn’t leaving without her.
“Open the gates.”
As security went about letting the SUVs into the courtyard, Bastian, walking beside him as they headed from his office and into the hallway, queried “Is that a good idea?”
Ramsey nodded once. It wasn’t but the alternate was a gunfight that would surely get the local police involved. No matter what, they kept the government out of their affairs, unless said government workers were allies of some sort.
“He thinks we raped his daughter, Ramsey,” Bastian continued. Vince would have normally had the honor of escorting him to meet Kwan, but he’d left Vince in the hospital with Jezebel. Sarah might be gone but Ramsey would be a fool to think the threat was extinguished. Sarah had indirectly cleared Bastian and her father before she died. Sh
e could have been working with others, men who were still alive. “The man’s here for blood.”
Taking a quick glance at his brother, Ramsey nodded. For a man who’d killed his wife earlier that day, he was holding up well. “We’ll see if we can avoid that but if it comes to it, we’ll have no choice.”
As they stepped into the large foyer, Ramsey saw about ten men waiting for him. Security must have alerted them. “Kwan Min-Ho is an ally, but we’ve had a misunderstanding. Be ready for anything.”
He nodded, stepped through the sea of armed men, and made his way to the door. Bastian was behind him. Placing an arm on his brother’s shoulder, Ramsey shook his head. “It’s best if you stay here, Bastian.” With that, he opened the door and stepped out.
Kwan Min-Ho stood front and center, his face red, his eyes hard. Overall, his countenance was as expected, that of an angry father. “Where is my daughter, Stone?”
Ramsey dipped his head respectfully. “I didn’t expect you, Kwan―”
“Where is she?” he roared. Behind him, his men shifted anxiously, many hands going to their coat jackets and waists. When Kwan left his car, many of his men did the same. Some followed him to Ramsey’s front door, while others remained watchful by their vehicles.
“She’s here,” Ramsey began in an easy tone. “But caution your men, Kwan. You’re in my territory and my men are protective. If anyone reaches into their coats or for their waists, I won’t be responsible for the pileup of bodies.”
“Sa-Ra?” Kwan yelled, looking over his shoulder as if expecting his daughter to run to him. “Sa-Ra? I’m here! Come outside!”
When the silent night was the only thing to respond, Kwan’s face hardened and twisted. “What have you done to my daughter?”
Ramsey sighed and shook his head. “Nothing. You’re my ally, Kwan, one of my grandfather’s dear friends. Come inside and let’s talk.”
“Do you think I’m stupid, boy? Come inside so you can round my men up, kill us all?”
“I can kill you all now,” Ramsey informed in a tired voice. “Right now, there are snipers on the roof but I don’t want it to come to that.”
“Of course you don’t. I’m your only ally since you killed Chang Chul-Moo.”
Ramsey didn’t bother to correct him. Chang was still alive, uncomfortable and very angry, but alive. It wasn’t due to any sense of pity on Ramsey’s part but he’d been busy. Plus, Chang’s surprise and reluctance to name his nephew had seemed too realistic to be staged.
Stepping aside, Ramsey indicated his home. “As long as no fire is exchanged from your side, my men and I will not retaliate.”
Kwan snorted. “Come outside.” At Ramsey’s raised brows, the man added, “You have snipers on the roof, don’t you? Are you scared of an old man?”
With a slight smirk, Ramsey nodded. “I’ll need a few minutes.”
The older man glared but gave him a curt nod. He turned away and headed for his SUV.
As soon as Ramsey pushed the door in, Bastian was in his ear. “It could be a trap, Ramsey.”
Ramsey nodded. If it was a trap, Kwan was walking to his own grave. Anger and grief made rational men do stupid things though. Moving to the closet on the far side of the doors, he opened it, removed his slippers and changed into shoes. He found a wool jacket in there as well. It wasn’t his but it fit.
He was opening the door again when he caught sight of his brother at his back. Ramsey paused. “Stay here, Bastian.”
“Kwan loved his daughter, Ramsey,” Bastian hissed low. “They spoke every week, sometimes every day. He won’t believe you. The Sarah I heard in there wasn’t the Sarah I knew, certainly not the Sarah her father knew.” He shook his head. “Kwan won’t want to believe you but maybe if I’m there, and I talk to him…”
“He’ll shoot you the moment you step outside, Bastian.” As he stared at his brother, Ramsey couldn’t help the regret that rushed him. How many years had they lost because of Sarah? Grabbing a hold of his resolve, he nodded. “Stay here. Watch my back. Call Vince if it gets out of hand.”
Bastian seemed poised to argue before he inhaled deep and nodded once.
Ramsey pointed out ten men, indicated the door, and walked out.
Kwan stood next to one of the SUVs, waiting for him. As soon as the man saw him, he opened the backdoor, slid in and slammed the door shut. Ramsey tensed but headed to the SUV anyway. Despite the tinted windows, he noticed no one in the vehicle but Kwan. He opened the door, saw Kwan waiting for him on the other side, and slid in.
Jezebel came awake struggling. Sarah was holding her arms, preventing her from jabbing her with the syringe. She screamed and fought some more. She had to kill her. She didn’t have a choice. If she didn’t kill her, Sarah would kill her, kill her baby, kill Ramsey…her family! She couldn’t, wouldn’t, allow that.
“No!” She bucked and felt a pinch in the dip above her elbow. Oh God, had Sarah taken the syringe? Had she poisoned her? She fought harder.
“Jezebel!” The voice was loud and male? She froze, blinked, forced her eyes open. Bright light and blurs were all she saw. She blinked again. “It’s me! Vince! Please stop! You’re hurting yourself!”
Shaking her head, Jezebel tried to get her vision to clear but it wouldn’t. It was still blurred. “Vince?” Her voice was ragged and shaky.
“Yes. It’s me. You’re safe. Sarah’s dead. She can’t hurt you anymore.”
Jezebel nodded and swallowed. Sarah was dead? An image of her jabbing the syringe into Sarah’s middle fluttered at the edge of her mind. Good. She tried to look around but the blur refused to go away. She could barely make out Vince. “Ramsey?”
“He’ll be here soon,” Vince assured.
“I can’t see…everything’s a blur…” She blinked and it grew even worse. “Vince!”
Calloused fingers brushed at her cheeks and then warm hands cupped her face. “That’s because you’re crying, Jezebel.” She blinked and for the first time, felt the fat tears rolling down her face. “It’s okay. It’s okay. You’re safe. I swear to you, you’re safe.”
As she blinked more, her vision cleared, as did her head. “My sister?”
Vince looked around. “She was holding you first. She went to get the nurse. You tore out your IV.” At her look of horror, he murmured, “It’s okay. Just relax, Jezebel.” At her nod, he released her. Within seconds, she heard a commotion and turned to find a woman in white, whom she assumed was the nurse, and Delilah beside her bed.
The nurse said something in Korean and then got to work on the ripped out IV. Jezebel ignored her. Her eyes were only for Delilah, who stood back with her hand over her mouth and horrified eyes bulging wide.
Jezebel held out a hand which Delilah instantly took. “Sorry,” she murmured.
Delilah nodded but didn’t speak.
The nurse muttered something else, and Vince responded. Jezebel felt another pinch in the dip of her elbow, and then warmth overtook her body. Calm. Peace. She smiled to tell her sister she was fine. They were fine now. The threat was gone.
“Where is she?” Kwan demanded at the end of Ramsey’s story.
He’d spent the better part of ten minutes explaining to the older man that Sarah had betrayed them all. Ramsey explained how she’d played a part in her own daughter’s death, had plotted numerous times to kill Jezebel and his unborn child, and had schemed to have Bastian take the fall. While the older man hadn’t interrupted, he hadn’t seemed persuaded either. Next, Ramsey explained the phone call, told him word-for-word what Sarah had said.
“She’s inside.”
“No. She was holding Jezebel at gunpoint when I shot her.”
The lie rolled off of his tongue easily. Bastian had shot and killed Sarah but Ramsey wished he’d had the honor. His brother should never have to liv
e with that or any of the consequences.
“You killed my daughter?” Kwan asked in a low tone.
Ramsey nodded. “Yes. And I would do it again if the situation were the same.”
“You’re lying!” Kwan roared, reaching into his jacket. Ramsey had his gun on him by the time the older man retrieved his own.
“I have no reason to lie to you, Kwan. I know it’s difficult because you just lost a child but think rationally. Sarah never indicated that she was being abused in the years she was married to my brother and today, out of the blue, she calls you and tells you that both Bastian and I abuse her. When she made that call, she was holding a gun to Jezebel’s head, threatening to kill her if I didn’t give her an escort to the airport. If you need witnesses, you’ll have them. Bastian was there, as was Vince and Jezebel.”
“Your brother, your cousin and your woman. They’ll lie for you,” Kwan snarled, anger and pain contorting his features. His grip on his gun tightened.
Ramsey shook his head once. “I don’t want to kill you, Kwan, but I won’t let you kill me for protecting my family.”
“Sarah was your family!”
“Yes and she betrayed me, betrayed Lily.” His jaw locked. “I’d give anything to put a bullet in her head before she had the opportunity to hurt my niece.”
Kwan’s eyes widened but Ramsey didn’t care. The man would either understand the significance of Sarah’s betrayal tonight or he would die. “You should have let me deal with her. She was probably…sick.”
“She was sick. She killed her own daughter, attempted to murder an innocent woman and child, and plotted to pin the blame on her husband. There was no probably. Sarah was sick.”
The older man closed his eyes and breathed deep. “Where’s Sebastian? Vince? Jezebel?”
Ramsey lowered his weapon, but didn’t put it away. “She shot Jezebel…” Kwan’s eyes widened and Ramsey nodded. “The bullet grazed her temple so she’s in the hospital. Vince is with her. Bastian’s inside.”
“I want to talk to Sebastian.”
“You’ll come inside?”
Pain-filled eyes lifted to Ramsey and the man nodded once. “Yes. I want to see her…after.”