The Dragon (G.O.N.Y. - Double Dragon) Read online

Page 28

  Jezebel closed her eyes. She wasn’t stupid. Men like Kang Jae Ramsey Stone didn’t just quit and have everything disappear as if it had never been, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t hopeful. Maybe, just maybe, Ramsey would give it all up for her, for them. She smiled. If he did, she’d have to marry him, maybe give him three of these. Her index finger traced her naked belly. It would only be fair.

  Firm yet soft lips brushed hers and she peeled her eyes open to find Ramsey smiling at her. “Is that a yes?”

  Rolling over and pressing her back to his muscular front, she made herself comfortable and sighed. His hand instantly found its way to her belly. “It’s a maybe.”

  “I can live with maybe.” He kissed her shoulder. “For now.”

  Chapter 13

  “After a storm comes a calm.”

  ―Mathew Henry

  “Merry Christmas.”

  Jezebel started a bit, but smiled softly when she realized it was him. She was a vision in that royal blue wrap dress, standing by his window and watching as fat snowflakes rained down outside. The forecast had predicted light flurries with some wind. It was snowing heavily and possibly preparing to blizzard.

  He approached slowly and stopped behind her. “Is everything okay?”

  “I’m fine.”

  She was lying. Ramsey heard it in the forced way she spoke, the underlying coolness of her tone.

  He slid an arm around her waist and pulled her against him. As she leaned back, he pressed his lips to her uninjured temple. The other still had a dark, finger-width bruise, where the bullet had almost taken her life. The stitches were dissolving and it was healing nicely. Still, he’d be glad when that bruise faded. He didn’t want to remember how close he’d come to losing her, to losing his sanity.

  He’d invited a select few family members to his home for Christmas. He usually had about thirty to fifty guests over for Christmas, no matter where he was, as he’d invite family, their spouses or significant others, and children. This year he had two guests, Ichiro “Ike” Kimura, his mother’s husband, and Jax Seong. He’d invited the two people in and near South Korea he trusted beyond a doubt. He wasn’t risking Jezebel for tradition.

  Dinner had been a hearty four-course meal filled with easy conversation and lots of laughter. It had been followed by a social cocktail hour as Christmas music played around them. After half an hour of talking to everyone, her hosting skills were second only to Hannah’s, and that was because his mother had home-court advantage, Jezebel had excuse herself and made her way from the living room. He’d followed.

  “Tell me what’s bothering you.”

  When she sighed but didn’t answer, he teased, “Don’t you like my family?” He sighed. “They seem to like you.”

  She scoffed. “Are they supposed to be the ones who wouldn’t accept me?”

  Remembering his half-lie to keep her from leaving him, he added, “They’re the nice ones.”

  “You mean there are nasty ones out there?”

  “They won’t be nasty to you.” He might not be as involved in the underground lifestyle as a typical Dragon, but the title was still his and with it was the demand for respect. Jezebel would be his wife, the mother of his children, and even if they didn’t agree with his choice, they would respect it or stay far from his family.

  “Hm. I guess that doesn’t count then.”

  They fell into a comfortable silence, staring out at the snowflakes falling onto the water.

  “You look beautiful tonight.”

  “You have great taste,” she murmured. “Thank you.”

  Ramsey didn’t know the first thing about shopping for a woman but his mother did. He’d had her purchase a few dresses and had chosen the best one for Jezebel, also known as the one he most wanted to see her in. He smirked. It worked out.

  “Beautiful women should have beautiful things.”

  “Very smooth,” she replied, unfazed as he’d known she’d be.

  He chuckled. “I have something for you.”

  She looked over her shoulder at him. “What?”

  “Tell me what’s wrong and I’ll give it you.”

  “You’re bribing me.”

  Ramsey didn’t bother denying it. “Yes.”

  She turned to look out of the window again. When minutes passed, he accepted that this was one of those things Jezebel had no intention of sharing. As he moved to release her, her hands slid over his. “This is my first Christmas away from my mother.” She laughed as if self-conscious to admit it. “It feels…strange, having Delilah here but not her.”

  “Did you call her?”

  “This morning. Delilah and I spoke to her for an hour.” She laughed. “She’s fine. She said some of her friends were keeping her company. They’re probably making rum cake and hash brownies.”

  He quirked a brow and made a note to ask her about that later.“You miss her.”

  Jezebel sighed. “I have a complicated relationship with my mother but she’s my mother. I love her and yes, I miss her.”

  He nodded. “There’s nothing wrong with missing your family.” They didn’t speak for a few minutes before he added, “If you went away for months, I’d miss you.”

  The snort he expected wasn’t far in coming. Turning in his arms, she smirked. “You couldn’t help yourself, could you?”

  Ramsey grinned. “It’s true.”

  “Where’s this present you promised me, Mr. Stone?”

  Taking her hand, he led her into their closet, directly before the full-length mirror. “Don’t move.”

  He disappeared for a few seconds and returned with a long, dark blue box. Jezebel eyed it with suspicion. He removed the cover and retrieved a thin silver chain. He placed the two pendants in the palm of his hand and showcased them to her.

  “Are those doves?” she asked with a growing smile.

  When he’d shown up at the jewelers, Ramsey had wanted something simple, understated, and meaningful. He’d seen this chain and had requested it with some alterations. Instead of crystals, he’d had diamonds put in for the doves’ eyes. “That’s you.” He pointed to the larger bird. “And this…” He pointed to the smaller one and lifted a brow. “This is junior.”

  “That’s incredibly cute,” she murmured after long seconds of playing with the two pendants in his hand.

  As he placed the chain around her neck, she kept touching it, smiling, examining it in the mirror. Reaching around her yet again, Ramsey pulled her against him. “Merry Christmas, baby.”

  She smiled wide, before looking guiltily at him. “Thank you…but I didn’t get you anything.”

  He nuzzled her neck. “You’re giving me a son. That’s Christmas present enough.”

  At her unconvinced look, he added, “You can always say yes instead of maybe. Saying you’ll marry me is a great Christmas present as well.”


  Although she hadn’t given him an answer to date, the fact that she was comfortably situated in Ramsey’s Long Island home was a clear testament to which way she was leaning. Even if she rationalized that it was necessary since the threat wasn’t completely eradicated, and the veritable fortress was much safer than her mother’s house.

  At just over seven months pregnant, Jezebel had left Gwangju for New York. Except for Hannah, who chose to stay behind with her husband, the rest of the family left with her, including Ramsey, who worked her very last nerve on the trip. He’d signed her up for wheelchair assistance and wheeled her into First Class, before attempting to help her into her seat. At her glare, he drew back and allowed her to do it herself. When she was seated, he smiled, clearly satisfied, and proceeded to stoop and buckle her into her seat, asking her what was comfortable around her extended belly. It was impossible to stay mad at him. By the time the plane began taxiing on the runway to leave Seoul, she was smiling. When they landed at Kennedy Airport in New York, and he kept her seated until a stewardess brought him a wheelchair, she didn’t even fuss.

  Dr. Chen had sai
d the less stress on her body, the better the chances of a no-complications pregnancy, and Ramsey had taken it to heart. She couldn’t blame him. He was clearly anxious―terrified―about her pregnancy. The bigger she grew, the more overprotective Ramsey became, and hitting her seventh month had led to her blowing up, much like an overfilled balloon. Now, just on the cusp of her eighth month, she was a sight to behold, but behold they certainly did.

  Moving from the master suite she shared with Ramsey, she waddled down the carpeted hallway. Jezebel smirked. She waddled now. Walking was a thing of the past. Additionally, she couldn’t reach her feet so Ramsey had to lotion her legs and help her put on her boots. Both tasks were mutually beneficial, as he seemed to take great pleasure in doing them, and they were necessities for her.

  As Jezebel continued her duck-walk, she passed empty, unfurnished rooms and some half-furnished ones. The baby’s room was one of those half-furnished ones. Ramsey had supervised the painting and childproofing and she’d been tasked with selecting furniture to fill it. Jezebel had done her part but some of the furniture hadn’t arrived yet.

  When they’d left JFK and headed away from the city, he’d explained that he purchased a new place in Long Island for “safety” reasons. It was a large estate, larger than the one in Gwangju, with guard posts at the four edges of the property. Security cameras were everywhere, even in the foyer and some hallways. Additionally, there was a quarter mile drive from the gate to the actual house, which meant an attacker had to crash through the high gates, escape the four guards, drive all the way to the front or back of the house, and manage to get in, all without dying. She could see why he’d bought the place. It was very Fort-Knox.

  She finally arrived at the staircase and had just gripped the banister to make her descent when his voice halted her. “What are you doing?”

  Jezebel felt like a child caught with her hand in the cookie jar. It was a weekday. He was usually at Osiris or out before 5 p.m. Dammit, she was not a child! She was a thirty-three year old pregnant woman whose baby’s daddy―the thought made her shake her head before smiling―was completely insane. She wasn’t on bed rest but Doctor Ramsey Stone seemed to think she should be.

  “I’m waddling,” she replied, taking a step forward.

  “Jezebel!” he growled. In seconds, he was standing before her, gripping her hand and leading her down the stairs. At the bottom, he took a good look at her attire and demanded, “Where are you going?”

  She smiled. Jezebel had draped a large, cream blazer over a black maternity dress, and applied her pearls to her ears and neck. Her jacket was a soft, black, knee-length wool piece she’d purchased years ago and meant to return because it was cut large. Her busy schedule had prevented it, but she was glad since the coat managed to come in handy. She’d had her closet moved here just a week ago, for practical reasons. Delilah had brought over the products necessary to do her hair a few days back, and she’d swept it back in a conservative, almost matronly do. And of course, she’d applied a dash of makeup, foundation, powder and neutral lipstick. “I have a meeting with my board.”

  “You have a what?” Jezebel had never seen Ramsey get flustered but the pink tinge that overtook his face on the cold winter day was enough to qualify.

  “CEOs…” She pointed to herself before pointing to him. “…and other board members have board meetings to discuss the future of their companies.” The first thing she’d done when Ramsey told her they were going to New York was ask him if she could contact people. He’d called his attorneys and a few days later, she was given clearance. Immediately, she’d sent out emails to the board, calling for an emergency board meeting to reinstate herself, and remove the interim who was going to drive her company into the ground.

  “And did you tell anyone about this?” he demanded.

  “Of course I did.” She frowned. “I’m not stupid, Ramsey. I told Vince. He’s taking me into the city.”

  Ramsey seemed surprised for all of five seconds before his face grew pink. He looked around, clearly searching out his cousin. Before he could storm off to yell at Vince, she caught his hand and shook her head. “You’ve been very irrational lately, sweetheart.”

  He seemed shocked at the nickname but quickly overcame it. “I haven’t been―”

  “Ssh.” She patted his hand like a child and began her waddle to the front door. “If you promise to treat me like an adult and not a child for three hours, I’ll let you come with me.”

  “I don’t treat you like a child.”

  As they approached the double doors, Vince came strolling down the hallway to their left, followed by three of the security detail. She recognized them all. Ramsey had made it a point to introduce her to every staff member on the property the second day of her arrival. He hadn’t explained why but Jezebel knew this was his way of avoiding a repeat of her kidnapping in Gwangju. She couldn’t remember all of their names, but she knew their faces. Although she wanted her boring and normal life back, Jezebel realized it would take time, and these measures were necessary to ensure their safety. For now.

  Ramsey glared at Vince, who lifted a brow and smirked. “You―”

  Jezebel squeezed Ramsey’s hand and smiled sweetly up at him. “Are you going to come with us or are you staying here?” When he only continued to glare at a now amused Vince, Jezebel patted his hand. “Can you help me with my shoes, Ramsey?”


  “You’ll tell me if she’s scheduled to go anywhere else from now on.”

  Next to him, Vince shrugged. “She asked me not tell you.”

  “Who signs your paycheck, Vince?” Ramsey snapped. Of the late, Vince had grown closer to Jezebel. Considering his cousin currently lived with them, it wasn’t surprising. He’d sometimes come home from work to find Vince in the kitchen with Jezebel and Delilah, when she was there, listening to the sisters and smiling at whatever they were saying. Ramsey didn’t mind, it had never interfered with the man’s work before. “Whose name is on that check you receive every fortnight?”

  Humor made his cousin’s lips twitch. “Duly noted. That might have been the reason I strongly suggested you take the day off.”

  Ramsey wasn’t appeased. He should have told him outright. “No more suggestions. You answer to me, not Jezebel.”

  Vince was silent for long moments, standing next to him outside the large conference room at Carter Investors.

  “She’s right you know,” Vince finally said, his voice amused and easy.


  “You have been irrational lately.”

  Ramsey didn’t bother to deny it. He’d suspected he was being a bit over-the-top with certain things and hearing it now from two different sources only confirmed it. “She’s pregnant. I’m making sure they’re fine.”

  “Yes, and being irrational while doing it.”

  He sighed.

  Next to him, Vince chuckled. “I’m not complaining, Ram. It’s fun to watch.”

  “I’m sure it is,” Ramsey muttered, eyeing his watch again.

  “It’s been forty-five minutes. She said they’d break in an hour.” When he continued to look at the door, Vince added, “And I’m sure if something was wrong with the only female, the only pregnant female in that room, we would have heard a commotion by now.”

  Fifteen minutes later, the door opened and a flustered man all but ran out and headed for the elevator bank. When no one else followed, Ramsey walked to the opening and looked in. Standing at the head of a glossy oval shaped table, one hand on her extended belly, Jezebel looked at ease, smiling, shaking hands, making small talk, being the successful CEO she was. He was reminded of the first time he’d seen her, giving that speech, commanding the attention of all. She was in her element here. This was her world. Her eyes caught his over the heads of her board and she smiled before returning her attention to the older man speaking to her.

  Ramsey moved back to where Vince leaned against the wall, observant and ready despite his lazy stance. Seated at the en
d of the hallway, two shadows looked around the calm, quiet workspace and awaited his instructions.

  “Satisfied?” his cousin asked.

  For the first time since he’d left the house this morning, Ramsey smiled. “Very.”


  Jezebel sighed and forgave Ramsey yet again.

  She’d spent less than three hours at Carter Investors and she’d barely managed to keep her eyes open on the drive back to Long Island. Worse yet, Ramsey had taken it as his cue to lift her into their house like some helpless baby, and would have taken her up the stairs if she hadn’t drawn the line there. Clearly, the man was lifting more at the gym to pick her up with such ease. After a long soak in the tub, she’d emerged to find him on their bed, laptop open as he typed away at keys. The room smelled sweet, of cinnamon and something else, and a quick look around had her locating the two scented candles that burned on.

  “Do you need help?”

  She would have shaken her head if she wasn’t mentally exhausted. Of course she did. She was holding a bottle of cocoa-butter moisturizing lotion. Ramsey only seemed to query whether she needed help when it was obvious that she did. Every other time, he volunteered his services.

  Before she could respond, he grinned and closed his laptop. He took the lotion from her as she moved to sit on the edge of the bed. Rolling up his dark gray shirt-sleeves and pulling his pants up a bit, he knelt before her. As his strong hands began to work her calves, Jezebel sighed, leaned back, balanced on the palms of her hands, and relaxed.

  “How was your meeting?” he asked as minutes passed in silence.

  They hadn’t discussed it on the ride back. She’d been tired and Ramsey was content to let her use him as a pillow.

  “Great.” She smiled down at him when he lifted a brow. “They reinstated me as CEO.”

  “And all is right in the world again?” He grinned.

  Jezebel nodded. “Yes.” She’d gone to the meeting prepared for battle. Over the last week, she’d been in contact with Marlo, her demoted undersecretary. Jezebel had done her research, writing out reports and compiling the data to back her up. Before she’d left this morning, she’d had Marlo print them, keep them in a secure location, and bring them to her once she arrived at her company. When the board had demanded the reason for the meeting, she’d laid it on thick, telling them that if they valued their investments, they needed someone better skilled than Reed Dalton in charge. The man in question had defended himself but Jezebel had been ruthless, dismissing his Stanford degree and his years of experience in light of the damage he’d done to her company in the few months he’d had control. The value of their stock was down as was their reputation. He’d invested too much, too quickly, and the investments had been subpar. They’d be lucky to break even on them. With hard evidence staring them in the face, and Jezebel pulling rank, the board had seen things her way in the first hour. The second and third had been them brainstorming how to clean up Dalton’s mess. “All is right with the world for now.”