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Colorblind (Moonlight) Page 3
Colorblind (Moonlight) Read online
Page 3
My name is Leon Arnaud, and I am here to help the slaves.
Her body eased of some of its tension, and she moved closer to him. One step, and then others, until she’d circled him. Leon held still, barely turning his head to see where she moved. She was scrutinizing him, from his silver and white fur to his bigger build.
Penny stepped closer, until her fur pressed against his, and inhaled deeply. His beast wanted to howl, but he managed to take control, step away, and turn to face her.
Help us? Help us by doing what? We are slaves, at the whim of one master or another.
There’s a movement to send slaves north. It’s an underground network of people who don’t believe in slavery, and would see it abolished if they could. In the meantime, we are sending slaves to their freedom.
She shook her head vehemently. It will not work. They’ll be killed before they leave Louisiana or just after. The penalty a slave faces for running is death, if he’s lucky.
My friends will guarantee their safety.
She said nothing for a long moment, and in her eyes, now a paler shade of brown, bordering on hazel-gold, he read hope.
If you’re to succeed, you will need to get rid of Pleasant. He is too keen and would out you if he suspected anything. Hollis is…kinder.
Leave Pleasant to me.
Satisfied, she nodded, and then turned as if she intended to leave him. He moved in front of her quickly, startling her with his speed.
What you told me, about being born on the plantation, was that all true?
She seemed taken aback at the question, but nodded. Yes. Everything was true.
Except this?
Her eyes widened. I didn’t know I was one of many. I thought it a curse, heaped upon me for the wrongs of some past ancestor.
He scowled. It’s no curse, Penny. Many see it as a blessing.
To be different? She made a sound that sounded close to a scoff. To be unable to
control the whims of the wolf? It is more curse than blessing.
Only because you haven’t been taught how. I can teach you.
She stared at him for a long moment before she nodded once. I would like that.
Then I will teach you. When she made as if to leave, he stepped directly into her path and asked, How have you managed to keep it secret?
A little smile curved her lips as her tongue wagged. I haven’t. Some of the slaves in my quarters know, but they are superstitious and Old Ma has convinced them that I bring luck.
Leon nodded, and stepped closer to her. I would like what we have discussed tonight to remain between us.
Yes, of course. I understand.
She turned to run back to the slave quarters but stopped, and looked over her shoulder at him. He watched her. Her steps were uncertain as she trotted back to him.
Thank you.
Before he could respond, she ran back into the thicket. He turned away to keep from following, finding the moon hovering above him. Bright and full, he stared at it for many seconds before turning and following her scent back to the slave quarters. He arrived in time to see her run across the compound in a flash of naked flesh, before agilely climbing in through an open window.
Leon found the shirt and trousers he’d left at the base of a tree and dressed quickly before making his way back to the plantation house. There was much on his mind, and most of his thoughts revolved around the slave who was also a werewolf.
Leon could no more keep his eyes off her the next day than she could him.
He would look up from his parchments, and she, from the ledgers she overlooked, and they would end up staring at each other. No words passed their lips and he never attempted to access her mind; it wasn’t necessary. The look in her dark eyes—hot and needy—broadcasted her thoughts. It had gotten so bad that Penny pushed away from the desk, stood, and rushed out on a long exhale, “I should see if they need me…outside.”
“Penny, wait—” He was up in a flash, but halted when she flew back against the door and shook her head. Leon froze, sensing her need to run, to escape. “Penny, don’t fear me.”
She stared back at him in confusion and whispered, “It’s not you I fear.”
He closed the distance between them quickly, his body pressing against the softness of hers. A long sigh escaped her lips, and her lids fell to partially conceal her eyes. His hand moved up to the loose scarf she always wore. He tugged gently, allowing the material to fall to the ground. Her hair was a cluster of tight, black curls. Some fell down in tight spirals to caress her cheekbones while others pushed out wildly in various directions.
“You are beautiful,” he murmured, unable to prevent what instinct compelled. “Très belle.” He claimed her lips.
Leon had barely had a taste when he groaned, locked his arm around her waist, and pulled her tighter against him. If she smelled like honeysuckle, she tasted like it too—sweet and citrusy—just perfect. As their tongues met and danced, he couldn’t help the images that fluttered from his mind to hers, of them engaging in a more intimate dance, their bodies locked together in pleasure. Because he couldn’t help himself, Leon pushed his hips against hers, fully aware she’d feel his erect sex.
Penny whimpered against his lips, turning her head to the side to haul in great lungfuls of air. Leon kissed her cheek, sucked at her neck. He couldn’t get enough. He needed more.
“Leon…wait! We shouldn’t,” she managed to gasp out before his mouth closed over her neck and he bit down, hard enough to leave an imprint.
She cried out before burying her face in his neck and moaning. His fingers went to the buttons at the back of her dress, undoing them quickly and pulling the material forward so she could slip her hands from it, then pushing it to her waist. He’d expected a chemise, but instead his eyes feasted on high, full breasts with round dark areolas, and stiff nipples. If he wasn’t already hard, seeing her like this would have taken care of that.
He moved his hand to her breast and squeezed lightly before rolling his thumb over the stiff bud. Penny whimpered, her eyes shining with anxiety and need.
“This—this isn’t…it can’t happen,” she murmured weakly.
Leon kissed her again, a thorough but quick kiss, before he stooped lower to take her nipple into his mouth. As she mewled and clutched his head to her breast, he pushed his hand under the heavy gown, lifting it as he searched out her center. Gently, he cupped her, feeling his control deteriorate further as her heat caressed his palm. When he touched her swollen nub, she gasped and whispered his name so seductively, his control almost vanished.
Sliding his finger to her opening, he found her wet and ready for him. Gathering some of her dew, he stroked her nub, growing even needier when her hips began to rock against him. Her eagerness made him reach back once more, and dip into her sex.
“Leon!” Penny cried out, a sound that was mostly pleasure and some shock. The flesh gripping him was tight, so tight it seemed unwilling to part further. He growled against her nipple at the recognition that she was untouched. Not that he would have cared were she experienced, but knowing she was his—solely his—poked at the already riled beast housed within. Gently, he worked his digit to the first knuckle before sliding it back, only to press forward again. Simultaneously, he used his thumb to circle her swollen button. Before long she was eagerly working her hips against him, her grip tightening almost painfully in his hair as he continued to stroke her with his tongue.
As her climax approached, Leon pulled away from one feast for another. He wanted to catch her first blissful cries in his mouth. She kissed him back eagerly, her tongue stroking his as his finger continued its illicit plunge. Her orgasm was fast and hard, washing over them both and almost bringing her to her knees. As her screams and whimpers died in his mouth, Leon reluctantly removed his finger, holding her up against the door with his body.
Lifting his head, he looked down at her. Penny stared up at him in awe. Pleased, he leaned in and brushed his lips against her
“Your eyes….” She gasped when his shirt brushed against her exposed and sensitive nipples. “Your eyes are yellow.”
Leon nodded.. It would be a miracle if they weren’t. His wolf was harnessed just below the surface, demanding to be released.
“So are yours,” he managed, straining to keep the beast leashed. Control was something Leon always found easy to achieve. It was more mind over matter, and his mind was strong, but Penny… Penny, pressed against his door, half naked and staring up at him with such trust and vulnerability made him almost…feral. He mentally shook himself. Any false moves, and he would terrify her. That wasn’t his intention.
“Why? Why are they yellow?” she queried softly, her fingers moving up to the side of his face as she stared at his eyes. He leaned further into her touch.
“It happens when we’re close to losing control to our animal,” he explained.
She nodded.
“Does this happen with every man?” It was a reasonable inquiry. She didn’t—couldn’t—know. Still, the look he gave her was so vicious she clamped her lips together and shook her head as if to answer her own question.
“This will happen with no man but me,” he growled clearly, his face inches away.
Penny frowned and slipped from between him and the door. He pivoted to glare at her.
“Is that an order, Massa?” she demanded, eyes shifting back to brown as she crossed her arms under her naked breasts. He couldn’t help but stare at them, and she quickly pulled the dress up, and re-crossed her arms.
“No, it’s no order.”
She didn’t understand. Penny was only familiar with one type of life: slavery. She couldn’t know everything he now did or said had nothing to do with controlling her and everything to do with his instincts.. “It’s the truth.”
Slipping her arms through the sleeves of her gown, she turned around, and said, “The buttons.”
His fingers took many liberties with her smooth back as he redid her buttons. By the time he finished, Leon was contemplating knocking everything from his desk and taking her on it. Images of her naked body, her long, dark legs hooked around his waist as he moved over her and into her, invaded his mind. He bit back a groan.
As if he’d unconsciously projected the thoughts, Penny looked at the desk, and quickly stepped away when the last button was done.
“Penny,” he began, his voice lower, huskier. He didn’t want her to leave.
She shook her head and forced a smile even as the primitive part of her demanded she stay. Penny was terrified. He could almost taste it. “I’ll come tomorrow. I’m needed in the fields.”
She beat a hasty retreat, practically running from his office, and bumping into Jolie on her way in with a tray filled with freshly made croissants. The younger woman turned to look after Penny before entering his office and putting the tray down.
Jolie stared at Leon for a few moments before saying, “Is you wantin’ me to get Mr. Pleasant for her?”
“Excuse me?” Leon asked, looking away from the open doorway to Jolie standing next to the bookcase.
A smile curved her lips up. “Mr. Pleasant, Massa. Is ye wantin’ me to call him for Penny?”
“Why would I—?” Leon broke off, the heat of his body doused by the chill of Jolie’s words. Was this what Adam Thorn had done when a slave displeased him? Called on Pleasant to whip her into shape? Had he done that with Penny before?
The playful smile around Jolie’s lips faded quickly, and she hastily lowered her eyes, and began fidgeting with her clothing.
“No, Jolie. That will be all.”
That night Leon waited for her. It was late. He’d removed his clothing and let his wolf run free. Instead of going to the farthest outskirts of the plantation, to the bayou, he lay in the place where he’d found her last night, his head on his front paws, and waited. As the time passed, he began to think she wasn’t coming, that she was still afraid of what had happened in his office.
She came later than usual. From the way she moved, cautiously forward, Leon knew she was looking for him. He remained still, waiting to see how long it would take her to scent him. She stopped when she was feet away and sniffed the air. Her eyes locked on to the bushes that hid him and he grinned as she moved toward them. She’d found him.
As she stepped into the clearing, he lifted his head, watching her. She stopped short upon seeing him, but moved closer until she stood directly before him. When he made no move to stand, she sat before she lowered herself to her belly, placed her head onto her paws, and watched him warily. Tension seemed to line every inch of her body, as if she expected him to pounce at any moment.
How did you learn to shift forms?
She blinked at the unexpected question before cocking her head to the side and replying, I went to sleep human and awoke as a wolf.
His surprise must have registered on his face because she added, That’s how some of the others who share my quarters know of the cur—of this. Was it wrong, how I changed?
Leon shook his head. There is no wrong or right way to change. It is just usually done when one form is conscious.
Did someone teach you to change?
Yes. My father.
Leon had been born as a wolf in a litter of three. He and his littermates had spent many months as pups before their father had helped them shift forms. He’d remained in his human form until puberty hit and he’d learned to shift forms easily..
Penny nodded and continued to stare at him. Is your family large?
Yes. I have three brothers. One is older, and two sisters.
Her lips curled into a smile. And they are all like you, like us?
Yes. When both parents are werewolves, the children are of the same kind.
You said there are many more of us? How many?
Leon sat up, and she did the same. I’m not certain, as no records are kept, but there are hundreds of thousands of us spread across continents. There are packs in most countries—
He read confusion in her gaze. Yes, packs are communities of werewolves that are usually separated from other communities.
Other communities?
Humans, vampires, witches, warlocks—
Vampires? Her eyes stretched, and he found himself smiling. She was like a child, easily excited by tales. They’re real?
Yes, as are witches, warlocks and druids, although they have been banished.
When all Penny did was stare blankly at him, Leon took it as his cue to stand. He’d relayed enough of their history for the night. Can you hunt?
She pushed to her feet and nodded. Leon knew that whatever she knew of hunting, Penny had taught herself.
Show me.
Penny stared at him for a few moments before took a few steps. As he watched, she turned slowly in a circle, scenting the air. The bushes around the plantation housed small animals, rabbits and squirrels.
Leon studied her posture as she traced the rabbit. It was good. She made her body smaller, hugging close to the ground as she moved forward, her ears flat against her head, her tail down. A twig snapped and she froze. The rabbit scampered away.
It wasn’t perfect, but what followed would be the first of her many lessons from him.
They met again the next night, and the nights after. Leon taught her to hone her skills at stalking and hunting prey. The correction of minor details she’d overlooked resulted in drastic improvements. Penny was swift and could run down most of her prey, but the lessons he gave her put her closer to them, which conserved her energy for other activities. Once he was certain she was close to perfecting hunting, he gave her tips on how to control her wolf. She’d mentioned that it was hard to control her, and Leon was quite aware, with her scent all around him, just how difficult the task was. But unlike hunting, this wasn’t something he could teach her. The most he could do was give advice: try not to give in to emotion, to take oneself out of the moment, and other tricks h
e’d learned. She would have to do the rest.
On one of the nights, he shifted to his hybrid form and Penny retreated, unsure. He then learned that she hadn’t known there was a hybrid form, and guided her through the process that would take her to her own hybrid. Penny was beautiful in all three of her natural forms. Each night as he listened to her soft voice, her infectious laughter, he was pulled further into her. He usually avoided thinking of her in more intimate ways as it wreaked havoc on both his body and mind, and sent his wolf wild.
In two weeks, he’d taught her most of the basic things pubescent wolves learned. She still asked questions, some during the day when they both realized that they were hardly focused on their tasks before them, queries about their people and the other beings, which he gladly answered.
Leon liked Penny. There was nothing about her he disliked. From her intelligent conversation to the vulnerabilities she afforded him, Penny soothed him in unparalleled ways. Leon didn’t have to worry about speaking a certain way, of hiding his views of the world, as he did daily in this place. He could be himself around her, and she around him.
Instinct told him she was his. His wolf echoed his approval daily. Yet still, he resisted. Penny had grown more comfortable around him, but still tensed whenever he closed the distance between them. He knew she was not afraid he’d hurt her. Penny feared the unknown. Leon feared the known.
If he touched her, any more than he had two weeks ago, he would mate her. If he mated her, he’d grow even more possessive, possessive to the point where anyone with eyes would notice. Growing visibly close to a slave could very well jeopardize his reason for being on the plantation. Keeping his distance, however, was going to prove more difficult than anything he’d ever done before.
Chapter Three
Leon was in his office looking over the ledger that contained the list of slaves when the post arrived. He’d been waiting for a response for almost three weeks; one had finally come. The missive from his brother, written in French, agreed to the purchase of ten slaves.
In the roughly ten years Armand Arnaud had been in America, he had seen to the relocation of many slaves. Under an alias, since he was wanted by authorities for the aiding and abetting of slaves, he currently owned two strategically placed smaller plantations. Armand had written that he was sending two slavers to see the slaves across the borders, and that upon inspection, his slavers were to pay Leon the sum of their cost.