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Colorblind (Moonlight) Page 8
Colorblind (Moonlight) Read online
Page 8
When he fell back against the mattress, Penny placed her palms onto his solid chest and pushed herself up and down, her mouth opening on a gasp every time she came down and her button grazed his pubic bone.
Leon watched her, lifting his hands to fondle her breasts before pushing up to capture them between his lips. As he suckled her, she gyrated against him, hands clutching his head to her breasts.
I know. Let go.
She cried out, and he lifted his head from her breasts to capture her lips, holding still inside her as tremors rocked her body.
When she came to, she was on her back again, with him buried inside her. He gently nipped at her neck and began thrusting again. His head lowered to her shoulder and his teeth sank deep, pulling a moan from her. This time, she felt his base, groaned when it bumped against her and cried out, mostly in pleasure, when it lodged inside of her.
With a growl, Leon collapsed onto her, his breathing harsh and ragged, his teeth still buried in her shoulder. Penny smiled and caressed his back as she felt the comforting heat of his orgasm. Turning her head slightly, she kissed the side of his neck, and closed her eyes.
Chapter Six
“So what is your opinion, Leon? Do our galas meet your sophisticated European standards?”
The voice belonged to Catherine Ryder, and without turning, Leon knew she stood just behind him. As promised, Catherine had organized this event in his honor, essentially to introduce him to his peers. He’d had such introductions for the past hour and had stepped onto the side balcony that adjoined the ballroom “for some air”. In truth, he was ready to leave. Most of the guests were slaveholders and it was becoming difficult to engage in civil conversation with many of them. As such, he’d excused himself and made his way out here, where he thought of his mate. Last night, after he’d kissed and licked every inch of her body, she’d fallen asleep in his arms, just as she’d done the past nights since he’d made her his.
Pasting an easy smile on his face, he turned to the lady of the plantation.
Catherine wore a burgundy silk gown that touched the tops of her slippers. Her hair was swept atop her head in a bundle of loose curls to reveal her tapered shoulders, graceful neck, and smooth expanse of skin.
“Yes. It is quite enjoyable. I only stepped out because it grew warm.”
She nodded quickly, accepting his lie for truth.
“It is awfully warm in there. The Louisiana heat is something to which you must adjust.”
“Of course.”
“I’ve come to return you to the heat, if only for a short while. Abigail Hodgkins—her family is among the wealthiest in Louisiana—has arrived and is quite determined to meet you.” Catherine’s smile faded and something reminiscent of a frown touched her lips before it disappeared. “Our dearest Abigail is a bit eccentric on a good day so I’ll introduce you and whisk you away so you aren’t obliged to suffer any of her more unusual eccentricities.”
Catherine nodded and moved to stand beside him. Knowing what she expected, Leon extended his arm, and she quickly took it. He began leading them back to the so-called festivities. “Yes. Abigail is, how shall I say, tolerated among society.”
Interesting. He wondered why. The fact that Catherine Ryder looked uneasy talking about Abigail made him all the more willing to meet the woman.
After spending a few minutes in the company of Abigail Hodgkins, Leon understood why they labeled her as eccentric. When Catherine had introduced them, Abigail had barely spared a glance at Catherine as she held out her hand and said, “Since you’re European, Mr. Arnaud, I take it your views are not as jaded as the rest of this party?”
He later found out she was speaking of slavery, that despite being the wealthy daughter of a plantation owner, Abigail was outspoken in her opposing views of it. What was even more interesting was how her peers responded to her, as if she were a child to be indulged and not someone insulting their very way of life. He found it amusing, and remained by her side for nearly a half an hour, listening to her views on the issue, while neither agreeing nor disagreeing with her.
“Mr. Arnaud, your silence tells me you’re more swayed to my reasoning than theirs?” She bladed her body and arched one black brow.
“I have not been in your country long enough, Miss Hodgkins, to develop any views on the issue.”
What sounded like a low curse left her lips and it was Leon’s turn to arch a brow. A cursing lady?
Arresting brown eyes trained on him and she said softly, “Look around us, Mr. Arnaud. You are the only of my colleagues standing with me.”
“I fail to understand what that implies, Ms. Hodgkins.”
“If you did not share my views, you would have found an excuse long ago to leave my company.”
“I find your views interesting,” Leon replied, scanning the room. Music was playing; people dancing.
“I’m sure you—” Abigail broke off and her lips pursed tightly. “Catherine Ryder is heading this way again, no doubt to extract you from my claws. This time go with her, or else she’ll believe I’m attempting to steal you from her.”
“Please excuse me, Abigail, but may I borrow Leon for a few minutes? Father wishes a hand of cards.”
“You are hostess, Catherine, and may do as you wish,” Abigail replied, lifting the glass of diluted sherry to her lips. Without waiting for a response, she dipped her head at Leon and moved away.
In a low voice, Catherine murmured, “I apologize. Abigail is, as I said, eccentric. If her father weren’t so indulgent, she would have long been sent to an institution to treat her disposition.”
“You said your father wishes a hand at cards?” Leon asked, no longer wishing to speak about Abigail Hodgkins. He’d quite enjoyed her company. It was refreshing.
“Even ladies are allowed one small lie if the cause is right, Leon,” Catherine whispered softly. Her face was warm and open as she stared up at him expectantly before saying, “The music is lovely. I have not seen you dance once since your arrival.”
“I’m not much of a dancer, Catherine.” It wasn’t the truth, but he had no interest in dancing with anyone in the room. The one person he wanted to dance with was currently in his bed, waiting for him.
“Well, that is a shame, Leon, for I am quite skilled at dancing and have been told I can elicit a love for it even in the most finicky of partners.”
She eyed him expectantly, and even as he cursed inwardly, he smiled and asked, “Would you like to dance, Catherine?”
“I would love to.”
The gala had begun during the early evening, and ended just before midnight. Leon stayed until the last of the guests left before thanking the Ryders and heading back to his plantation. As he walked, he anticipated what he would find in his bed: a naked, possibly sleeping Penny. Perhaps, even, a naked and aroused Penny. He hardened at the thought and walked faster, eager to get out of these constricting clothes and be inside his mate.
He’d just entered his room and was tugging at his cravat and the buttons of his shirt when a low growl pierced the dark silence of the room. He froze briefly before his head whipped in the direction, eyes adjusting and ears finding the source of the sound.
Penny lay on her side on the bed, yellow eyes glaring into him as a snarl marred her beautiful face. Leon took a step forward and halted when she growled once more. It was a clear warning.
What is it, ma louve? He quickly scanned the rest of the room, trying to see if there was anything odd about it. Everything was in order. Penny?
She growled again, but this time, she moved from the bed. She was naked underneath the thin covers, and Leon felt himself grow even harder as she made her way over to him.
Her walk was purposeful, white teeth gleaming, revealing the wickedly pointed canines at each side. She came to an abrupt stop before him, inhaled once, and promptly began to attack his clothes. One claw s
liced through his shirt, popping buttons. Before he could recover from his shock, she cut through his trousers. Her claws never touched his skin, but his clothing was shredded beyond recognition. When she was finished, she grabbed the fabric, walked briskly over to his door, opened it, and threw the tattered pieces outside.
At that moment, he entered her mind, and understood what she was doing. She’d smelled Catherine on him and wasn’t pleased. When she closed the door, he moved behind her, burying his face in her neck as he attempted to comfort and reassure. She broke free and he allowed her to push him back against the wall. She came forward quickly, sniffing at his skin as she inspected him.
I only danced with her, ma louve.
Her head jerked up as if surprised at the sound of his voice in her head, but her eyes only narrowed further as she continued her sniffing. Although he could have overpowered her into listening to him, he allowed her to do it her way, mostly because he understood. He shuddered to think of what he would do if she were ever to come to him smelling of another male.
When she was satisfied, she attempted to step away but he caught her around her waist and held her steady. He could feel her internal struggle. She wanted to fight him, but she also craved what his body could give her. Before she could decide on either one, he caught her chin between his fingers, lifted her face, and kissed her. As he’d known it would, her lust exploded around them. As soon as the scent of her arousal hit his nose, he growled.
Her leg lifted to his waist and he moved his hand under her ass and pulled her up. Finding her slick opening, he pushed deep, dragging growls from both of them. Penny locked her knees at his hips and curled her feet around his legs as she began to move. He kissed her neck, sucked at a tender spot, before running his tongue to her shoulder.
She whimpered and her body began to tremble. On quick feet, Leon took them to the bed, where he lowered and came down atop her, still joined. He began to thrust, hard, powerful thrusts that brought deep growls from Penny’s lips and grunts from his own. One long-fingered, feminine hand clutched his back as the other slipped into his hair, pulling his head down to her breast.
Leon suckled her tenderly at first, and then he tugged harder, nipped at her. She cried out in pleasure, and he licked his way back to her shoulder, pausing to kiss it tenderly before he sank his teeth into her flesh. Her body bowed off the bed and he slid deeper, growling, as she began a rapid clenching around him. Her moans and cries filled the room, and he held still, waiting for her. When most of the tremors left her, he began moving again, but a soft palm pressed firmly against his chest, halting him.
In the split second he paused and lifted his head, she pushed up and maneuvered him under her. Even as his wolf demanded he flip her over again and lock her into position, Leon resisted, knowing she needed this. She placed her palms on both sides of his head and began to work her body against his as she stared into his heated eyes. One of his hands slid to her buttocks as he urged her on. When his swollen base pushed against her, she clutched the sheets and bit her lip but her hips still rocked down on his.
Leon heard the affirmation in her head almost as clearly as if she’d screamed it aloud. Her head lowered and he felt her soft lips caress his shoulder moments before her sharp teeth sank into his shoulder.
A growl left his lips and his hand buried in her nape, holding her in place. She was staking her claim, marking him.
She came again when he lodged inside her, and Leon was powerless to stop his orgasm once hers began.
“I’m sorry,” Penny whispered, still joined intimately to Leon. Her eyes were drawn to the two bold puncture wounds on his flawless skin, each oozing a single, fat droplet of blood. She was shocked and horrified at her behavior.
Oh God, I attacked him.
She’d known what she was doing, but it was as if something else had taken over, and she was powerless to intervene. She’d been…possessed. She’d known that he was going to the gala, and had decided to wait up for him instead of going to bed. She’d taken the free time in his room to walk around, to sniff at his shirts, to stare at the small portraits he kept of his family, and then she’d heard the sound of feet on the ground below, and had easily divested herself of her gown and gotten under the covers for him. She’d intended seduction, but the moment he’d entered the room, she’d caught the scent of another female, and had thought of little else save removing that scent from his body.
The hand at her nape stroked reassuringly, but she shook her head and repeated, “Oh God, Leon. I’m sorry.” She inhaled deeply. “I don’t know what came—”
His answer was to pull her head down. As his lips captured the rest of her words, she moaned in both pleasure and sorrow.
When he released her, she pulled away and stared at him.
A half-smile curved his lips, and his expression was one of adoration. You are beautiful.
Frowning in confusion, she shook her head.
Don’t apologize for what is natural to us, ma louve.
She eyed the puncture wounds again, shocked to find they were no more than two red dots, reminiscent of mosquito bites.
I attacked you, Leon. That is not natural.
At that moment, he slipped from her body, and Penny made an attempt to scramble away from him. She was disgusted with herself. As if knowing what she intended, Leon moved with her, coming to rest above her. His body boxed her in, preventing any sudden movements. She avoided his eyes, turning her head and looking at the pale stream of moonlight that slid through the window.
It is very normal, Penny. I should have known to remove the clothing before I came to you.
That doesn’t justify it.
Look into my mind. See for yourself that this is a natural occurrence, especially between new mates.
Leon, please—I just want to go back—
His hand settled on her face, and he made her look at him. His eyes had shifted back to their beautiful green, and his expression was both tender and demanding.
Look into my mind, ma louve. See that I tell no lies.
She slipped into his mind, if just to get him away so she’d be able to face her shame alone. The images hit her immediately. Various couples with one thing in common: newly mated. One image particularly stood out in her mind, of a man who resembled Leon, tugging a waif-like yet tall and extremely beautiful blonde away from another man and marching her out of a silent, watchful ballroom.
When she slipped away from his mind, Penny said softly, “Those images show jealousy, Leon, which is natural. Not what I just did.”
Leon blinked down at her, narrowed his eyes, and asked, “What do you think happened after those displays of jealousy?”
She said nothing, and he watched her for long moments. “Are you sure I didn’t hurt you?”
Leon sighed and nuzzled her neck. Her hands went around his back and she caressed him easily. “You can’t—didn’t—hurt me, ma louve.” He kissed the side of her neck. I enjoyed every moment of it.
Penny laughed softly and Leon rolled over and pulled her against his side. She could feel his fatigue.
The man who pulled the blond woman away…was he your brother??
She was curious.
Yes. That was Sebastien and his mate, Elise.
You look alike.
He laughed softly. I look the least like Sebastien. Armand, Étienne, and I favor each other most.
She smiled. And his mate, Elise, she is very beautiful.
As are you, ma louve.
She kissed his chest softly and released a soft yawn, burying her face in his side. Leon pulled her tighter against his side.
I always feel safe with you, Leon.
You should. I would die first before I would let anything happen to you.
It was the truth. Even without searching his mind, the conviction she heard in his voice cemented it.
The following Monday was extremely busy for Leon. He’d seen Penny a handful of times when he rushed i
nto his office to get something and to kiss or caress her before rushing out again.
He now owned ten new slaves, and for the entire morning, he had been busy managing their setup on the plantation. There were six women and four men, and it was obvious that Pleasant had selected them with a keen and careful eye. Two of the women were pregnant, although Pleasant had only informed him of one. Although most were to work the fields, one was a house slave, possibly Jolie’s age, and she was one of the pregnant females, the one who was not showing.
By the time he returned to his office, Penny had left for the fields, leaving behind only her scent to drive him wild. Deciding he would see her that night, he went about updating the list of slaves he would be selling to Armand. A new development had arisen and it was more urgent than others.
He’d just finished when there was a knock on his door. When he called for the person to enter, Jolie strolled in.
“Excuse me, Massa,” she said. “Someone named Mr. Hardy say ’e’s here to see you.”
Mr. Hardy? Leon did not know a Mr. Hardy, but instead of telling Jolie that, he only nodded and asked, “And where is Mr. Hardy now, Jolie?”
“In the front room, Massa.”
“Thank you, Jolie. Please tell him that I will be with him shortly.”
When Leon stepped into the front room, which also served as the waiting room, he found a man standing before one of the tall windows, staring out. He wore a wide-brimmed hat that had once been white, dusty, worn out jeans, and a plaid shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbows.
He cleared his throat and inhaled, freezing as he did so. It couldn’t be, but it was—
“Are you wondering how I’ve come to be Mr. Hardy?” a voice as familiar as his own drawled.
“Mr. Hardy” turned around and Leon stared into a face he’d seen almost every day of his life. Étienne. Why his brother was dressed as an overseer or a cattle-hand was the question.