Colorblind (Moonlight) Page 18
She was slipping into a light doze when his scent touched her nose. Leon. She sat up, peering around in the darkness. His scent faded once more, and she stood, intent on following it.
“Where you goin’?” Jolie’s whisper drew her up short, and had her turning to glare at the girl.
“Sleep,” she instead hissed back, standing and maneuvering her way to the door.
“Massa gon’ get tired of you,” Jolie taunted, sitting up to watch her leave. “And then you ain’t gon’ be nothin’.”
Ignoring her, Penny stepped through the door and gently closed it behind her. She followed Leon’s scent from the house, stopping when she came to the unlocked side door. He was outside, probably heading to the bayou.
Remembering the reasons why she shouldn’t follow him, Penny sighed and spoke to him as she hadn’t in days.
Where are you going?
There was no response and Penny wondered if he’d blocked her from his mind, as she had him. But she wouldn’t have been able to speak to him such if he’d blocked her, so….
Hunting. Go back to sleep.
Gooseflesh caressed her body at the feel of him in her mind. Warmth immediately slid through her at the intimate caress.
I could join you.
Before she could think of it, the words were leaving her mind for his. She was still upset with him, dammit! She didn’t want to be around him just yet. Well, she did, but she still wanted her apology.
It’s not that kind of hunt, ma louve. In other words, she wasn’t welcome. I need you to remain in the house, where I know you’re safe.
Those words alone told her he was hunting the men she’d heard last night. Immediately, she felt a sliver of fear. There had been two of them, and Leon was alone. She knew he was more than capable of taking care of himself, but what if they had silver bullets? Or something else that could injure a were. What if they hurt him?
I’m flattered at your concern over my well-being, ma louve. Perhaps you can show me how concerned you are when I return.
The words were a hot caress in her mind, and she felt her cheeks heat for two different reasons. One, she’d forgotten he was still in her mind, and as such, privy to her thoughts. Two, the way he’d described her “showing her concern” left little doubt as to what he meant, especially as an image of the two of them, naked and plastered against a wall, entered her mind.
You actually have to return first, she sniped out, turning away from the door and heading in the direction of the stairs.
Laughter touched her mind and then one final thought came through.
I will.
Having found no one on his property, Leon made his way back to the house. His body hummed in anticipation as he stepped through the side door and locked it. As he made his way up the staircase, he couldn’t help but inhale deeply. Penny’s scent, still fresh and lingering, was there.
He entered his bedroom to find her under his covers. Briefly, he wondered if she was asleep, before he tossed the thought. His mate was fully awake, and fully aroused, if his nose was right.
As he stepped forward, she spoke, “Before we begin, I’d like my apology.”
A muscle in his jaw ticked as he continued over to the bed. She was on her side, staring up at him as she held the thin sheets across her naked breasts. Leon began divesting himself of his clothing. When he was naked, he took hold of the sheet and pulled.
As he suspected, Penny refused to release it, which only added to both his irritation and lust.
“My apology,” she reminded him as she scooted farther into the bed.
“For what?” he demanded. “Making sure my mate is safe?” He was on the bed a second later. “Being certain Patrick Ryder and his cronies will never touch you?” A second later, he was over her.
She swallowed, but he read no fear in those eyes. Penny knew he would never hurt her. He eyed the thin sheet, and tugged once more. When she still didn’t release it, he made little work of shredding the thing. A gasp left her pretty lips, one he captured in the heat of his mouth.
Her sweet taste intoxicated him, both soothed and enraged his wolf. As he licked at her tongue, her thighs parted beneath him, allowing his hips to sink down into the cradle of hers.
Thin, graceful fingers slid into his hair, and then his head was being yanked back. Leon glared down at her. She wanted him! He knew she did, could smell and see her need from where he was.
“You hurt my feelings,” she said softly. Her breasts heaved with every word and his gaze landed on her pert, succulent nipples.
“That wasn’t my intention.” His voice was low, more growl than speech, but she was pushing him.
Her grip slackened, and he immediately caught a nipple in his mouth. Her entire body arched into his as she moaned. Rolling the bud gently between his sharp teeth, he slipped into her mind.
You want me as much as I want you.
Yes. There was no hesitation in her response. I need you.
Her words pleased him, and he rewarded her by showing the same treatment to the other nipple.
A soft growl came from her lips and he felt himself harden further. He was about to flip her over when she said, breathless and whispery, “Although it wasn’t your intention, you still hurt me.”
Leon blinked down at her, both impressed and annoyed. She was stubborn. Beautiful, feisty, and damn stubborn.
“And this apology will lessen your hurt?” he questioned, gently rolling her to her belly. He slid a hand under her belly and pulled her to her knees before delving lower to cup her heat. Before she could reply, his finger found her slit, found her weeping in anticipation for him. As he traced her hardened nub, she bucked, almost falling back to the bed. Holding her still, he moved into position behind her.
“You haven’t answered my question, ma louve,” he murmured against her ear before grazing his teeth against the unblemished flesh of her neck and shoulder. Before the night was over, she would wear his mark again.
She moved and he knew she’d nodded.
“I didn’t hear you, ma louve,” he murmured, lightly biting down against her shoulder.
A whine-whimper combination left her throat, and she glared at him over her shoulder. Her eyes—yellow and feral—clashed with his own, as she pushed her hips against his.
“Shall we talk about this later, then?” he teased, rolling her nub between his fingers and pinching lightly.
It was a growl, a warning. He grimaced—it would have been a grin had he not wanted her so badly it hurt—lining himself up with her heat.
As he thrust to the hilt, she cried out. He groaned, tasting his own blood as his canines cut into his lip. Grabbing hold of her flared hips, he began to thrust, urged on by the gasps, growls, and whines that left her throat. When he lowered his front to her back and began teasing her nipples with a hand, her body began to tremble. Knowing she was close, he closed his jaw over her shoulder and sank his teeth into the tender flesh.
Her cry urged him on, and he felt his base swelling as he continued. She must have come apart under him at least twice before he lodged in her body and spilled his seed. He rested his head against her shoulder as her knees buckled under their combined weight, before rolling to his side and taking her with him. They didn’t speak for long moments. Finally, he broke the silence and asked, “Will you accept that as an apology?”
Although he couldn’t see her face, he knew she smiled. Her hands slipped between her legs and she caressed their joined parts.
He couldn’t help his tortured groan. “Penny!”
“I love you,” she murmured softly. “I know you’re sending me away to protect me, and I love you for it, but how you did it reminded me of the differences in our places in this world.”
“I’m sorry,” he murmured against her ear. “You are my mate, my love, and my life, and if anything happened to you, no one would be safe.” He paused to let that sink in. If anything happene
d to her, he’d go mad. “I don’t think in terms of human culture when I do things. I think only to protect you. Do you understand?”
She nodded slightly, and he inhaled deep of her honeysuckle scent.
“I know why you want me to leave, Leon, but who will protect you when I’m gone?”
A little smile curved his lips at the question, and he nuzzled her ear. “I can protect myself, ma louve.”
“But even you said weres can be killed. What if—”
“It won’t come to that,” he assured her. It would not. Once she was gone, he’d attempt to get Ryder to speak once more. If that failed, he was going to invade the man’s mind, and bedamned if it drove the human insane or killed him. He just hoped that all his answers were stored in there.
“But if I stay—”
“No, Penny. If you stay, I’ll be distracted.”
She didn’t speak for a long time and then she said, “Perhaps you can have someone else take me to Armand, and let Étienne stay?”
“No.” His response was curt. The only reason he trusted Étienne with Penny was because he was his brother, and he’d known the were all his life. He would never trust a stranger, a human stranger at that, with something as precious as his mate.
“How long will you stay here?”
She wanted to know how long they’d be apart. He honestly did not know. He hoped only weeks, but knew months would better describe it.
“I’m not sure. After I take care of Ryder and whoever he’s told, I want to send the rest of slaves North before I leave.”
“Oh,” she breathed.
His base shrank and slowly, Penny moved away from him. Before he could speak, she turned in his arms, rolled onto him and murmured, “I hope you aren’t tired, Leon. You have many nights to make up for.”
Blinking up at his very own siren, he shook his head. “You’re sore.” He hadn’t taken her in days, so many he knew their coupling tonight had been painful for her.
Penny only grinned, and she leaned down and ran her tongue over his bottom lip. “Yes.” She murmured against his lips. “Perhaps you can kiss it better?”
A wicked grin touched his lips as he rolled her onto her back and crawled down her body. Her long legs parted immediately for him.
“With pleasure,” he murmured, tracing a finger through the curly thatch at her apex, before lowering his lips to the feast before him.
Étienne arrived two days later, and strolled into Leon’s office wearing a large smile and a hint of mischief in his green eyes. If she remembered correctly, Étienne’s eyes were paler than both of his siblings. Leon’s were a forest green that darkened depending on his mood. Armand’s eyes were the darkest of the three, and they made him appear more mysterious, whereas Étienne… Étienne’s eyes seemed to match his personality, light and free.
As Leon dismissed Jolie, who’d led him there, Étienne strolled over to her, took hold of her hand in a very gallant way, bowed over it, and murmured, “Beautiful demoiselle.” He hastily retreated as Leon came forward, but still managed to say, “Your wish is my command.”
“You know why you’re here?” Leon’s tone was terse, and Penny resisted the urge to shake her head at him. He was irrationally jealous again, which was why he was treating his brother so coldly.
“It’s lovely to see you too, dear brother,” Étienne said in a jolly tone, removing his hat and placing it on Leon’s desk. “I’m well, thank you for asking. The journey was long, a bit strenuous, but nothing a nice, warm meal and cool bath can’t cure.”
Penny lifted her hands to her lips to hide her smile, but when Étienne winked conspiratorially at her, she couldn’t hold in a peal of laughter. A second later, she felt Leon’s hand at her shoulder and heard him sigh. Unconsciously, she lifted her hand to his.
“Did you have any trouble crossing state lines?” Leon asked moments later, and she knew whatever territorial urge he’d had had passed.
“No,” Étienne replied seriously, perching at the edge of Leon’s desk. “I’m just a good ole’ boy doin’ a ’onest day’s work.”
“Right,” Leon murmured, and the hand at her nape tightened slightly. With Étienne here, she would have to leave soon. A wave of sadness hit her instantly. “Tell Jolie to give you whatever they have in the kitchen.”
Étienne grinned widely. “She doesn’t like me much.” Penny found that hard to believe. Jolie liked a pretty face, and a pretty, white, male face was all the better. “Probably ’cause I see just what a little viper she is.”
He winked at Penny, and she grinned and shook her head. She’d always known there was a reason she’d liked Étienne. “Oh and by the way, Armand sent you a letter.” He reached into his satchel and retrieved the sealed note. Placing it onto the table, he picked up his hat. Moments later, he left the room.
Standing, Penny moved around the chair to Leon. She was pressed against his chest in the next moment. Unaware of if she’d thrown herself there, or if he’d pulled her to him, she inhaled him and wrapped her arms around his back.
“When am I leaving?” Her voice was small. She didn’t want to leave Leon, and she certainly did not want to leave Hyacinth, the only mother she’d ever known.
“Tomorrow morning,” Leon replied. “It’s already afternoon or else I would have had Étienne take you today.”
She nodded against him. “You have to promise to look out for Hyacinth, Leon. She’s been like a mother to me—”
“She will want for nothing, ma louve. Before I leave, I’ll make sure she’s in good hands.”
Hyacinth was too old to survive a journey north, so she would remain behind. The thought saddened her, but she knew the woman would prefer it. Hyacinth had told her the only way she was leaving the plantation was through death.
Lifting her head, she looked into his face. Her mate looked sad, but determined. Leaning up, she kissed his lips quickly. “Thank you.”
His grip tightened around her and she sighed and brought her head against his chest once more. The solid beat of his heart calmed her.
“Étienne will take you north, and I will join you soon.”
She nodded, knowing instinctively that soon meant months. How many? She wasn’t sure. Penny doubted even Leon knew. Her hands tightened at his back, and she blinked tears away. Soon, he’d said. Tomorrow she would leave him, but she’d see him again. And then they could be together openly, without castigation or consequence. Yes, that was something she could look forward to.
He fascinated her. That was it. Fascination.
Julia once more pulled her gaze from Armand as he helped with the righting of an overturned wagon. It was something that the Master of the house would never do, but she was learning that Armand was unlike any other Master she’d had.
She tried to focus on the washing before her, but found her gaze drawn to him once more. He stood next to a handful of field slaves, muscles bunched beneath his now transparent white shirt, as they pushed and tugged at the vehicle. A young slave girl rushed forward with a jug of water, pouring and handing it to him. He paused in his ministrations, said a few words to the child who began sharing water to everyone, and tossed the water back. Julia’s fascination intensified as she watched his throat work.
One of the slaves said something to him, and his face lit up in humor at whatever it was. He tossed the remainder of the water over his dark head and handed the cup back to the girl, who moved away to allow them to work once more.
She wasn’t sure how long she stared, but stopped when Maud’s voice, rank with humor, said, “Massa sure is nice to look at, ain’t he?”
Her cheeks must have heated, because they felt like they were on fire. The older woman’s cackle washed over her, and Julia tried to ignore it. She’d forgotten Maud sat beside her, doing her own pile of the washing.
“Now, don’ be embarrassed none. Massa make a girl like you and me forget everythin’ we learn about them people.” Julia turned slightly to look at
the older woman, who was now staring at Armand with a dreamy expression on her face. Irrational though it was, she didn’t like it. “Jus’ nice and good-lookin’ as they come. Make us forget we got places in this world beneat’ ’im.”
Silently, Julia agreed. That was what made him different to her. He treated everyone so…fairly. There were white workers and slaves on his plantation, but she’d seen him be nice to both, grow angry at both. It was almost as if he didn’t see color, which Julia knew was impossible.
“Oh Lord, and now’s he lookin’ over here with that damn grin o’ his. Swear he know just how to tease my ole heart.”
Maud chuckled and Julia couldn’t help but look in his direction. He was wearing a smile, and shaking his head, as if he knew exactly what Maud was saying. His gaze left Maud, however, and turned to her. Her throat grew dry. The shirt she’d been holding slipped from numb fingers into the sudsy water.
Unconsciously, she licked at her dry lips and swallowed. It was a hot day, and she was badly in need of water. She looked away hastily, telling Maud she would return soon as she fled to the kitchen.
He’d taken steps forward before he grabbed on to his control. She wasn’t his, and her hasty departure was not a call to follow. More than likely, she’d been terrified of the way he’d been staring at her.
“Massa, if we grab it ’ere and ’ere….” He turned his attention to Dell, one of the slaves assisting in turning the wagon back over. The man motioned to two spots. “And lift together. It should tip and go over.”
Nodding, he called out instructions to follow Dell’s advice. His arms were tired. Hell, his entire body was tired, but exerting himself this way took his thoughts off of a certain redhead and all the things he wanted to do to her.
He gripped one of the sides Dell had indicated, and called out his routine questions. Hearing the answers he wanted, he called, “Lift!”
His muscles strained, and he welcomed it. Hopefully, after a day of this work, he’d be so tired that he’d have no energy left for anything other than sleep.
Chapter Fifteen
He was reluctant to let her go. Perched on an elbow, Leon stared down at a naked, sleeping Penny as his lips curved upwards. He’d exhausted her last night and into the morning. He was tired as well, but with thoughts of her leaving on his mind, he’d found it difficult to sleep.