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Colorblind (Moonlight) Page 19

  Running a hand down her back, he committed to memory the smoothness of her skin. She moaned softly and attempted to push away.

  Leon chuckled and nuzzled her exposed neck, nipping lightly at the skin there.

  She whined but pressed closer to him. Moving a hand under her body, he easily lifted her, rolling until she was lying atop him.

  “Again?” she asked, her voice husky from both sleep and lust.

  Leon didn’t answer. He kissed her. Her response was quick in coming. Her thighs tightened around his hips as she ground her lower body against his. Wet heat caressed him and he growled.

  She lifted her head, and yellow stared down at him. Her hips rose, maneuvering until she was lined up with the head of his shaft. She gyrated back and forth, teasing him. He gripped her hips and pushed her down.

  “Leon,” she moaned, digging her knees into the bed to prevent what would have been an inevitable descent.

  He growled as the muscles in his body strained. He could feel her heat pulsing around the head of his shaft. Why was she teasing him?

  “Penny,” he managed to get out before her lips halted him. The kiss was rough, brutal. Her harsh breaths matched his own as his fingers dug into her hair and spanned the back of her head, effectively molding her lips to his.

  She sank down farther, taking half of him into her body. They both moaned.


  He whispered the words across her mind because his mouth was occupied with hers. Instinct screamed that he should flip her over and take her. But somehow, he managed to remember that this would more than likely be their last time together for months. He would tolerate as much as he possibly could. So long as his wolf didn’t take over, she could tease him as much as she wanted.

  Penny laughed, but it was a quick, guttural sound. She lifted her upper body and stared down at him. Her breasts, dark and budded with desire, called to him and he pushed himself up to swirl his tongue around them. She sank farther down, a keening cry leaving her lips. Leon nipped at her. She gripped his hair and pulled his head away.

  Eyes narrowing and nostrils flaring, Leon moved quickly. The hand on her breast found its way to her waist, and pushed her down until most of him was buried deep. She tightened her grip on his hair painfully, crushing her lips to his. He felt a pinch and then blood exploded in his mouth.

  She’d bitten him.

  Within moments, he’d flipped her, pressing her into the bed as a hand secured her flailing ones over her head. His thrusts were hard and wild, uncontrolled. He was moving on pure instinct. Every time he sank to the hilt, she grunted and moaned against his mouth. As his base grew and demanded entry to her body, she cried out but locked her legs about his buttocks.

  Reluctantly, he released her lips, and trailed his lips first to her neck and then her shoulder, tasting the saltiness of her skin. He licked at the sensitive spot on her shoulder he’d marked many a time already before he bit her.

  Her cries were loud, and Leon didn’t care who heard them. Releasing her, he moved his hand under her ass, lifting her for his invasion. She came with a scream when he lodged inside her, her body jerking and trembling as his release rushed into her.


  Penny couldn’t stop the spasms that seemed to rock her body every minute. If Leon moved, she came. If she moved, she came. If she thought of him, still locked to her by his unshrinking base, she came.

  Through it all, he held her. His back was scratched and bloodied from where her nails had ripped into him during her orgasms, but he didn’t acknowledge it. In fact, minutes ago, he’d rolled to his back to better give her comfort.

  Feeling miserable, Penny murmured softly, “I’m sorry….”

  Don’t apologize, ma louve.

  She nodded, unwittingly rubbing her body against his. Within moments, she was spasming again, coming apart on a groan. As she recovered, weakened from the past orgasms her body had put her through, she managed, I don’t know what’s happening.

  The arm around the dip of her back tightened.

  Everything will be fine, ma louve.

  Penny didn’t quite believe it, but she was tired enough not to question it. Within moments, she’d fallen into a blissful sleep.


  Leon hadn’t wanted to believe it, especially as it was the morning she was scheduled to depart with his brother, but from the moment she’d begun having multiple orgasms beneath him, almost an hour ago, he’d confirmed it. The scent was faint on her skin. The heat hadn’t arrived in full force yet. But it was coming.

  One of his fears was being realized, and there was nothing he could do about it. Heat was common to the females of their race. It was part of the reproductive cycle, though females were known to conceive without its aid. Minutes ago, his base had shrunk. Without the stimulation of her orgasms, his body had released its hold on hers.

  Moving to the window, he noted the dawn would be upon them soon. He dressed quickly, knowing time was precious, and left the room, making sure to lock the door behind him. He wouldn’t be gone long, but he didn’t want to chance Penny waking up and searching for him. Especially as it was possible some of the slaves were up. It took him only minutes to arrive in the stables. It was pitch black but his enhanced sight allowed him to move stealthily past a snoring Hollis to where his brother was staying.

  As he expected, Étienne was already sitting up, eyes shining brightly as he waited for him. His brother had probably scented him the moment he entered the stables.

  Penny is going into heat.

  Étienne blanched, before he nodded sympathetically. What do you need me to do?

  No one comes near my bedchamber but you. If anyone asks, I’m indisposed. Sick. Tell them I have a contagious fever, that you’re immune because you’ve had it before. Only you are to bring the food, water. Everything. No one else.

  His brother nodded once. What should I tell them when they ask about her?

  Tell them I loaned her out.

  When Étienne arched a disbelieving brow, Leon almost growled. To Abigail Hodgkins. If they don’t believe you, kill them.

  Étienne nodded, but looked amused. Am I still taking her to Armand…after the heat?

  Leon ground his teeth together. Yes. It was on the tip of his tongue to answer that way, but something selfish and completely irrational made him halt. What if she conceived? Could he send his mate and child away?

  A muscle ticked in his jaw but he nodded.

  Étienne leaned back against the wooden wall. Tell me when her heat has passed. In the meantime, no one will bother you.

  Thank you.

  Étienne’s response was a large grin. His brother was finding this more amusing than he should. Leon glared at him and turned around, heading for the kitchen. He grabbed a pitcher, filled it with water, and headed back to Penny. When he stepped into the room, locking the door behind him, she moaned, waking almost instantly.

  Pushing to her knees, she looked around the room, a hand going to her throat. He handed her the pitcher, eyeing her as she lifted it to her lips and drank. She didn’t put it down until it was drained.

  Her thirst quenched, she turned to him, fear leaping from her eyes. “What’s wrong with me?”

  Leon moved over to her, gently touching her cheek and forehead. She moved into his touch, and he brought his nose to her skin, inhaling the unique scent that was now so strong it called to him.

  He instantly grew hard and sensing it, Penny licked her lips as her eyes flashed yellow.

  “Nothing is wrong with you.” His voice was low. “What you’re feeling is natural, Penny.”

  She shook her head and pulled away from him. Before Leon could stop her, she was moving to the windows. He allowed her to pull them open, knowing the cool breeze would do little for her. Worse, the stifling heat of the coming days would irritate her.

  “It’s so hot!” she moaned, frustration obvious in her voice. “Why is it so hot?”

  Moving over to her, he gently led her back to the bed
, stripping out of his clothes as he did so. She tried to move past him back to the windows, but he subdued her by pressing his body against hers, caging her into the bed.

  “Leon,” she whined immediately.

  He kissed her forehead, then her nose, and finally, her lips. Her body temperature rose further, and he moaned.

  “Penny,” he told her softly, lifting away from her addictive taste. “You’re in heat.”

  “Heat?” she asked in a small, confused voice.

  As he explained it to her, her eyes widened.

  “How long does it last?” she finally asked.

  “Sometimes hours, sometimes days,” he responded honestly.

  “Will you hurt me?” she asked in that small voice.

  Instantly, he shook his head. “Never.”

  “Will I hurt you?”

  He shook his head. There would be marks on both of their bodies before her heat was over but he doubted either of them would feel it. He still had ten faint marks along his back from what she’d already done to him, and he barely remembered they were there.


  He focused on her face, noticing the strain there. Immediately, he understood. She was in need.

  Moving his hands to the juncture of her thighs, he groaned as found her wet and almost burning to touch. She parted her legs further and gyrated against him, moaning in frustration when he removed his hand. As he sank into her, they both groaned. She was tight, wet and hot. He fisted the sheets to keep from coming right there.

  “Oh God! Leon!”

  Her hands moved to his buttocks and squeezed.

  Leon sent up a prayer to Luna as he began to move. Penny’s cries urged him faster, harder. At some point, he pulled her to her hands and knees, and entered her from behind.

  Her grunts and moans urged him on, and he took her. Roughly. Hours and countless orgasms later, she passed out.


  Morning sunlight streamed into the room, highlighting the healing bite marks on her neck, shoulders, thighs, buttocks… Leon knew he looked no better. In fact, some of the scratches on his back were beginning to sting, which meant they were deep. The sheets were ruined, he knew, but they were dark and didn’t show it. He rolled onto his belly and groaned softly, as not to wake her, as his muscles protested. She would need a bath when she awoke. A cool bath. And food. He would drew her a bath…get her food.

  Those were his last thoughts before sleep dragged him under.


  Étienne’s easy patience was slowly giving way as he glared down at the woman-child before him.

  It was early morning and he’d entered the kitchen to get breakfast for Leon and Penny. When he’d stated his purpose, the other house slaves had looked confused, but only Jolie gave voice to it. And not in a pleasant way.

  “Why? I bring Massa’s breakfast in the mornin’,” she’d said suspiciously.

  He’d cut her off by stating the Massa was sick, and he was the only one immune to it, as he’d had it before.

  Of course, Jolie had questioned that. What was the name of the sickness? How long ago had he had it? How contagious was it?

  He’d stopped the nonsense by telling her the master would not be pleased at the long wait for his breakfast, and would discipline the person responsible for it. Her little pixie face had blanched, even as the cook rushed to prepare food for him to take upstairs.

  She’d said nothing else to him as the cook handed him a tray with scrambled eggs, a mug of tea, and a large portion of bread. It seemed enough to feed a couple in heat, but what did he know? He’d never been exposed to it, thank Luna. Although from what he’d seen of Sebastien, although badly scraped, the were had been happy.

  It did not matter. If they needed more, he would get it.

  As he made his way from the kitchen, he paused and resisted the urge to growl. The annoying child was following him.

  He turned slowly, patience terribly strained, and lifted a brow.

  “I follow you. Case you need ’elp wit’ Massa.” The words were harmless enough but her tone clearly said she did not believe him. Did not believe the story he’d told of Leon’s illness.

  “Go back.” He bit out the words, wondering if Armand would be terribly upset if he chose to leave her behind. He could not see himself taking her to Armand’s plantation. He was certain he and Penny would arrive safely. Jolie, however, he would be sorely tempted to release into the wild.

  “You don’ ’ave no authority over me!” Jolie hissed, hands going to her waist as her chin lifted defiantly. “You ain’t my Massa!”

  He was spared a response by the cook’s rushing out at Jolie’s raised voice. She grabbed the younger woman and began apologizing. Étienne smelled the fear that wafted from her, and scowled even more. He did not like Jolie, but the pungent smell of the cook’s fear he disliked even more.

  “Please. She don’ kno nothin’. She jus’ a chile—”

  Étienne nodded jerkily, cutting her off as he said mechanically, “Don’t be lettin’ nothin’ like this happen again. You understand, girl?”

  Jolie didn’t respond but the cook’s “yes, sir” was enough. He headed for the staircase, angry at Jolie for goading him, at himself for playing into the stereotype of a white slave driver, and at America in general for its inhumane practice of slavery.


  It took five days for Penny’s heat to run its course, and during that time, Leon took her on every available surface in his chambers. He’d stripped the bed countless times from the beginning of her heat, replacing the sheets with fresh ones that Étienne brought to him early in the morning before the slaves rose.

  Her first heat had not been an easy one. Coupled with the burning of her body, the stifling Louisiana temperatures had not been welcome. The one consolation was the fact that the water from the pipes had been cold. When he hadn’t been inside her, Penny had been soaking in the large tin tub, though not for very long. He’d allowed her to soak for a few minutes before pulling her out and toweling her dry. Leon feared her catching a cold or fever. He’d also taken to soaking towels and draping them across her as that seemed to relieve her just as well, without making him fear for her health.

  Now, seated in his study as Étienne informed him of the events that occurred while he was indisposed, Leon felt bone-weary tired, agitated and slightly amused.

  Apparently everyone but Hyacinth had believed Penny had been loaned to Abigail Hodgkins. Or at least, everyone but Hyacinth had kept their suspicions to themselves. The old woman had told Étienne outright she didn’t believe for one second Leon Arnaud had loaned Penny anywhere, and if Étienne didn’t tell her truthfully if Penny was safe, he’d die a slow and painful death come morning. Étienne, of course, had charmed the older woman and convinced her that Penny was safe. She’d seemed to accept that answer grudgingly.

  And to make matters even more interesting, Abigail Hodgkins had arrived on Leon’s doorstep. Étienne told him that story with both a smile and then a slight frown. Apparently, Jolie had asked the woman about Penny before Étienne got to her, and Abigail had been confused.

  “How old is she anyway?”


  “No, Jolie. She acts like a child. Moping and whining with her constant need for attention.” He broke off abruptly and ran his hand through his hair. “It’ll be a miracle if I don’t strangle her on the journey back.”

  Leon passed him an amused glance and replied, “Possibly seventeen to twenty.”

  Étienne snorted. “She is more immature than any seventeen-year-old human I’ve met.”

  Leon was tempted to ask just how many seventeen-year-old humans Étienne knew, but sobered at the seriousness of the situation. Penny was upstairs sleeping. She was in recovery. However, soon she would have to leave with Étienne for Armand’s plantation in Virginia.

  “If Penny can travel tomorrow, you’ll leave in the morning. If not, you’ll leave the next day, at dawn.”

  Étienne eyed him caref
ully before asking, “Do you know if she—?”

  “I don’t and it would be best if I don’t find out until she’s left,” Leon interrupted. It was too early to tell if Penny had conceived. She smelled of honeysuckle and fading heat. Nothing else. A part of him wanted it to be so, wanted the knowledge that she was carrying a part of him even as she left him, but the other part, the rational part, wanted her safe first and foremost, and her traveling a great distance with his seed in her belly would erode her natural strength and make her vulnerable to attacks.

  “I understand.”

  Leon didn’t answer, and was about to dismiss Étienne when his brother asked, a curious expression on his face. “How did you know Penny was yours?”

  The question caught him off guard, but Leon answered honestly. “The pull. When I saw her, I was…pulled to her, as if she was something I had to have to live.”

  Étienne nodded and the expression faded in place of a slightly mocking smile. “I’ve not been bit by the mating bug, though the rest of you seemed to have succumbed to it.”

  Leon arched a brow. Sebastian was mated, as was he, but Armand…?

  As if hearing the silent question, Étienne scoffed. “Why do you think I have orders to bring Jolie to his plantation? He wants to please her.”


  His brother nodded. “Yes.” At his questioning looked, Étienne added, “He fears mating her as she is human, but he does everything else to make sure she is comfortable and happy.” His expression became surly once more. “Including making me travel thousands of miles with a whiny brat.”

  Leon grinned at his brother’s plight. He couldn’t remember a time Étienne had been so agitated over a female. The fairer sex usually loved him, and he them. “I’m assuming you’re not referring to my mate.”

  Étienne blinked and narrowed his eyes. His brother slowly retreated until he was standing by the door. A bright smile lit his face. “I forgot to mention I’m also traveling with an angel with chocolate-colored skin, gorgeous lips, and laughing eyes. I’m sure she’ll keep my mind off of the whini—”